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#include "test/jemalloc_test.h"
#include "jemalloc/internal/buf_writer.h"
#define TEST_BUF_SIZE 16
#define UNIT_MAX (TEST_BUF_SIZE * 3)
static size_t test_write_len;
static char test_buf[TEST_BUF_SIZE];
static uint64_t arg;
static uint64_t arg_store;
static void
test_write_cb(void *cbopaque, const char *s) {
size_t prev_test_write_len = test_write_len;
test_write_len += strlen(s); /* only increase the length */
arg_store = *(uint64_t *)cbopaque; /* only pass along the argument */
assert_zu_le(prev_test_write_len, test_write_len,
"Test write overflowed");
static void
test_buf_writer_body(tsdn_t *tsdn, buf_writer_t *buf_writer) {
char s[UNIT_MAX + 1];
size_t n_unit, remain, i;
ssize_t unit;
assert(buf_writer->buf != NULL);
memset(s, 'a', UNIT_MAX);
arg = 4; /* Starting value of random argument. */
arg_store = arg;
for (unit = UNIT_MAX; unit >= 0; --unit) {
/* unit keeps decreasing, so strlen(s) is always unit. */
s[unit] = '\0';
for (n_unit = 1; n_unit <= 3; ++n_unit) {
test_write_len = 0;
remain = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= n_unit; ++i) {
arg = prng_lg_range_u64(&arg, 64);
buf_writer_cb(buf_writer, s);
remain += unit;
if (remain > buf_writer->buf_size) {
/* Flushes should have happened. */
assert_u64_eq(arg_store, arg, "Call "
"back argument didn't get through");
remain %= buf_writer->buf_size;
if (remain == 0) {
/* Last flush should be lazy. */
remain += buf_writer->buf_size;
assert_zu_eq(test_write_len + remain, i * unit,
"Incorrect length after writing %zu strings"
" of length %zu", i, unit);
expect_zu_eq(test_write_len, n_unit * unit,
"Incorrect length after flushing at the end of"
" writing %zu strings of length %zu", n_unit, unit);
buf_writer_terminate(tsdn, buf_writer);
TEST_BEGIN(test_buf_write_static) {
buf_writer_t buf_writer;
tsdn_t *tsdn = tsdn_fetch();
assert_false(buf_writer_init(tsdn, &buf_writer, test_write_cb, &arg,
test_buf, TEST_BUF_SIZE),
"buf_writer_init() should not encounter error on static buffer");
test_buf_writer_body(tsdn, &buf_writer);
TEST_BEGIN(test_buf_write_dynamic) {
buf_writer_t buf_writer;
tsdn_t *tsdn = tsdn_fetch();
assert_false(buf_writer_init(tsdn, &buf_writer, test_write_cb, &arg,
NULL, TEST_BUF_SIZE), "buf_writer_init() should not OOM");
test_buf_writer_body(tsdn, &buf_writer);
TEST_BEGIN(test_buf_write_oom) {
buf_writer_t buf_writer;
tsdn_t *tsdn = tsdn_fetch();
assert_true(buf_writer_init(tsdn, &buf_writer, test_write_cb, &arg,
NULL, SC_LARGE_MAXCLASS + 1), "buf_writer_init() should OOM");
assert(buf_writer.buf == NULL);
char s[UNIT_MAX + 1];
size_t n_unit, i;
ssize_t unit;
memset(s, 'a', UNIT_MAX);
arg = 4; /* Starting value of random argument. */
arg_store = arg;
for (unit = UNIT_MAX; unit >= 0; unit -= UNIT_MAX / 4) {
/* unit keeps decreasing, so strlen(s) is always unit. */
s[unit] = '\0';
for (n_unit = 1; n_unit <= 3; ++n_unit) {
test_write_len = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= n_unit; ++i) {
arg = prng_lg_range_u64(&arg, 64);
buf_writer_cb(&buf_writer, s);
assert_u64_eq(arg_store, arg,
"Call back argument didn't get through");
assert_zu_eq(test_write_len, i * unit,
"Incorrect length after writing %zu strings"
" of length %zu", i, unit);
2020-01-24 07:00:01 +08:00
expect_zu_eq(test_write_len, n_unit * unit,
"Incorrect length after flushing at the end of"
" writing %zu strings of length %zu", n_unit, unit);
buf_writer_terminate(tsdn, &buf_writer);
2020-03-21 04:47:09 +08:00
static int test_read_count;
static size_t test_read_len;
static uint64_t arg_sum;
test_read_cb(void *cbopaque, void *buf, size_t limit) {
static uint64_t rand = 4;
arg_sum += *(uint64_t *)cbopaque;
assert_zu_gt(limit, 0, "Limit for read_cb must be positive");
if (test_read_count == 0) {
return -1;
} else {
size_t read_len = limit;
if (limit > 1) {
rand = prng_range_u64(&rand, (uint64_t)limit);
read_len -= (size_t)rand;
assert(read_len > 0);
memset(buf, 'a', read_len);
size_t prev_test_read_len = test_read_len;
test_read_len += read_len;
assert_zu_le(prev_test_read_len, test_read_len,
"Test read overflowed");
return read_len;
static void
test_buf_writer_pipe_body(tsdn_t *tsdn, buf_writer_t *buf_writer) {
arg = 4; /* Starting value of random argument. */
for (int count = 5; count > 0; --count) {
arg = prng_lg_range_u64(&arg, 64);
arg_sum = 0;
test_read_count = count;
test_read_len = 0;
test_write_len = 0;
buf_writer_pipe(buf_writer, test_read_cb, &arg);
assert(test_read_count == 0);
expect_u64_eq(arg_sum, arg * count, "");
expect_zu_eq(test_write_len, test_read_len,
"Write length should be equal to read length");
buf_writer_terminate(tsdn, buf_writer);
TEST_BEGIN(test_buf_write_pipe) {
buf_writer_t buf_writer;
tsdn_t *tsdn = tsdn_fetch();
assert_false(buf_writer_init(tsdn, &buf_writer, test_write_cb, &arg,
test_buf, TEST_BUF_SIZE),
"buf_writer_init() should not encounter error on static buffer");
test_buf_writer_pipe_body(tsdn, &buf_writer);
TEST_BEGIN(test_buf_write_pipe_oom) {
buf_writer_t buf_writer;
tsdn_t *tsdn = tsdn_fetch();
assert_true(buf_writer_init(tsdn, &buf_writer, test_write_cb, &arg,
NULL, SC_LARGE_MAXCLASS + 1), "buf_writer_init() should OOM");
test_buf_writer_pipe_body(tsdn, &buf_writer);
main(void) {
return test(
2020-03-21 04:47:09 +08:00