#include "test/jemalloc_test.h" #include "test/san.h" const char *malloc_conf = TEST_SAN_UAF_ALIGN_DISABLE; enum { alloc_option_start = 0, use_malloc = 0, use_mallocx, alloc_option_end }; enum { dalloc_option_start = 0, use_free = 0, use_dallocx, use_sdallocx, dalloc_option_end }; static unsigned alloc_option, dalloc_option; static size_t tcache_max; static void * alloc_func(size_t sz) { void *ret; switch (alloc_option) { case use_malloc: ret = malloc(sz); break; case use_mallocx: ret = mallocx(sz, 0); break; default: unreachable(); } expect_ptr_not_null(ret, "Unexpected malloc / mallocx failure"); return ret; } static void dalloc_func(void *ptr, size_t sz) { switch (dalloc_option) { case use_free: free(ptr); break; case use_dallocx: dallocx(ptr, 0); break; case use_sdallocx: sdallocx(ptr, sz, 0); break; default: unreachable(); } } static size_t tcache_bytes_read(void) { uint64_t epoch; assert_d_eq(mallctl("epoch", NULL, NULL, (void *)&epoch, sizeof(epoch)), 0, "Unexpected mallctl() failure"); size_t tcache_bytes; size_t sz = sizeof(tcache_bytes); assert_d_eq(mallctl( "stats.arenas." STRINGIFY(MALLCTL_ARENAS_ALL) ".tcache_bytes", &tcache_bytes, &sz, NULL, 0), 0, "Unexpected mallctl failure"); return tcache_bytes; } static void tcache_bytes_check_update(size_t *prev, ssize_t diff) { size_t tcache_bytes = tcache_bytes_read(); expect_zu_eq(tcache_bytes, *prev + diff, "tcache bytes not expected"); *prev += diff; } static void test_tcache_bytes_alloc(size_t alloc_size) { expect_d_eq(mallctl("thread.tcache.flush", NULL, NULL, NULL, 0), 0, "Unexpected tcache flush failure"); size_t usize = sz_s2u(alloc_size); /* No change is expected if usize is outside of tcache_max range. */ bool cached = (usize <= tcache_max); ssize_t diff = cached ? usize : 0; void *ptr1 = alloc_func(alloc_size); void *ptr2 = alloc_func(alloc_size); size_t bytes = tcache_bytes_read(); dalloc_func(ptr2, alloc_size); /* Expect tcache_bytes increase after dalloc */ tcache_bytes_check_update(&bytes, diff); dalloc_func(ptr1, alloc_size); /* Expect tcache_bytes increase again */ tcache_bytes_check_update(&bytes, diff); void *ptr3 = alloc_func(alloc_size); if (cached) { expect_ptr_eq(ptr1, ptr3, "Unexpected cached ptr"); } /* Expect tcache_bytes decrease after alloc */ tcache_bytes_check_update(&bytes, -diff); void *ptr4 = alloc_func(alloc_size); if (cached) { expect_ptr_eq(ptr2, ptr4, "Unexpected cached ptr"); } /* Expect tcache_bytes decrease again */ tcache_bytes_check_update(&bytes, -diff); dalloc_func(ptr3, alloc_size); tcache_bytes_check_update(&bytes, diff); dalloc_func(ptr4, alloc_size); tcache_bytes_check_update(&bytes, diff); } static void test_tcache_max_impl(void) { size_t sz; sz = sizeof(tcache_max); assert_d_eq(mallctl("arenas.tcache_max", (void *)&tcache_max, &sz, NULL, 0), 0, "Unexpected mallctl() failure"); /* opt.tcache_max set to 1024 in tcache_max.sh */ expect_zu_eq(tcache_max, 1024, "tcache_max not expected"); test_tcache_bytes_alloc(1); test_tcache_bytes_alloc(tcache_max - 1); test_tcache_bytes_alloc(tcache_max); test_tcache_bytes_alloc(tcache_max + 1); test_tcache_bytes_alloc(PAGE - 1); test_tcache_bytes_alloc(PAGE); test_tcache_bytes_alloc(PAGE + 1); size_t large; sz = sizeof(large); assert_d_eq(mallctl("arenas.lextent.0.size", (void *)&large, &sz, NULL, 0), 0, "Unexpected mallctl() failure"); test_tcache_bytes_alloc(large - 1); test_tcache_bytes_alloc(large); test_tcache_bytes_alloc(large + 1); } TEST_BEGIN(test_tcache_max) { test_skip_if(!config_stats); test_skip_if(!opt_tcache); test_skip_if(opt_prof); test_skip_if(san_uaf_detection_enabled()); unsigned arena_ind; size_t sz = sizeof(arena_ind); expect_d_eq(mallctl("arenas.create", (void *)&arena_ind, &sz, NULL, 0), 0, "Unexpected mallctl() failure"); expect_d_eq(mallctl("thread.arena", NULL, NULL, &arena_ind, sizeof(arena_ind)), 0, "Unexpected mallctl() failure"); for (alloc_option = alloc_option_start; alloc_option < alloc_option_end; alloc_option++) { for (dalloc_option = dalloc_option_start; dalloc_option < dalloc_option_end; dalloc_option++) { test_tcache_max_impl(); } } } TEST_END int main(void) { return test(test_tcache_max); }