/******************************************************************************/ #ifdef JEMALLOC_H_TYPES typedef struct tcache_bin_info_s tcache_bin_info_t; typedef struct tcache_bin_s tcache_bin_t; typedef struct tcache_s tcache_t; /* * Absolute maximum number of cache slots for each small bin in the thread * cache. This is an additional constraint beyond that imposed as: twice the * number of regions per run for this size class. * * This constant must be an even number. */ #define TCACHE_NSLOTS_SMALL_MAX 200 /* Number of cache slots for large size classes. */ #define TCACHE_NSLOTS_LARGE 20 /* (1U << opt_lg_tcache_max) is used to compute tcache_maxclass. */ #define LG_TCACHE_MAXCLASS_DEFAULT 15 /* * TCACHE_GC_SWEEP is the approximate number of allocation events between * full GC sweeps. Integer rounding may cause the actual number to be * slightly higher, since GC is performed incrementally. */ #define TCACHE_GC_SWEEP 8192 /* Number of tcache allocation/deallocation events between incremental GCs. */ #define TCACHE_GC_INCR \ ((TCACHE_GC_SWEEP / NBINS) + ((TCACHE_GC_SWEEP / NBINS == 0) ? 0 : 1)) #endif /* JEMALLOC_H_TYPES */ /******************************************************************************/ #ifdef JEMALLOC_H_STRUCTS /* * Read-only information associated with each element of tcache_t's tbins array * is stored separately, mainly to reduce memory usage. */ struct tcache_bin_info_s { unsigned ncached_max; /* Upper limit on ncached. */ }; struct tcache_bin_s { tcache_bin_stats_t tstats; int low_water; /* Min # cached since last GC. */ unsigned lg_fill_div; /* Fill (ncached_max >> lg_fill_div). */ unsigned ncached; /* # of cached objects. */ void **avail; /* Stack of available objects. */ }; struct tcache_s { ql_elm(tcache_t) link; /* Used for aggregating stats. */ uint64_t prof_accumbytes;/* Cleared after arena_prof_accum() */ arena_t *arena; /* This thread's arena. */ unsigned ev_cnt; /* Event count since incremental GC. */ unsigned next_gc_bin; /* Next bin to GC. */ tcache_bin_t tbins[1]; /* Dynamically sized. */ /* * The pointer stacks associated with tbins follow as a contiguous * array. During tcache initialization, the avail pointer in each * element of tbins is initialized to point to the proper offset within * this array. */ }; #endif /* JEMALLOC_H_STRUCTS */ /******************************************************************************/ #ifdef JEMALLOC_H_EXTERNS extern bool opt_tcache; extern ssize_t opt_lg_tcache_max; extern tcache_bin_info_t *tcache_bin_info; /* * Number of tcache bins. There are NBINS small-object bins, plus 0 or more * large-object bins. */ extern size_t nhbins; /* Maximum cached size class. */ extern size_t tcache_maxclass; void tcache_bin_flush_small(tcache_bin_t *tbin, size_t binind, unsigned rem, tcache_t *tcache); void tcache_bin_flush_large(tcache_bin_t *tbin, size_t binind, unsigned rem, tcache_t *tcache); void tcache_arena_associate(tcache_t *tcache, arena_t *arena); void tcache_arena_dissociate(tcache_t *tcache); tcache_t *tcache_create(arena_t *arena); void *tcache_alloc_small_hard(tcache_t *tcache, tcache_bin_t *tbin, size_t binind); void tcache_destroy(tcache_t *tcache); void tcache_thread_cleanup(void *arg); void tcache_stats_merge(tcache_t *tcache, arena_t *arena); bool tcache_boot0(void); bool tcache_boot1(void); #endif /* JEMALLOC_H_EXTERNS */ /******************************************************************************/ #ifdef JEMALLOC_H_INLINES #ifndef JEMALLOC_ENABLE_INLINE malloc_tsd_protos(JEMALLOC_ATTR(unused), tcache, tcache_t *) void tcache_event(tcache_t *tcache); tcache_t *tcache_get(void); void *tcache_alloc_easy(tcache_bin_t *tbin); void *tcache_alloc_small(tcache_t *tcache, size_t size, bool zero); void *tcache_alloc_large(tcache_t *tcache, size_t size, bool zero); void tcache_dalloc_small(tcache_t *tcache, void *ptr); void tcache_dalloc_large(tcache_t *tcache, void *ptr, size_t size); #endif #if (defined(JEMALLOC_ENABLE_INLINE) || defined(JEMALLOC_TCACHE_C_)) /* Map of thread-specific caches. */ malloc_tsd_externs(tcache, tcache_t *) malloc_tsd_funcs(JEMALLOC_INLINE, tcache, tcache_t *, NULL, tcache_thread_cleanup) JEMALLOC_INLINE tcache_t * tcache_get(void) { tcache_t *tcache; if (config_tcache == false) return (NULL); if (config_lazy_lock && (isthreaded & opt_tcache) == false) return (NULL); else if (opt_tcache == false) return (NULL); tcache = *tcache_tsd_get(); if ((uintptr_t)tcache <= (uintptr_t)2) { if (tcache == NULL) { tcache = tcache_create(choose_arena()); if (tcache == NULL) return (NULL); } else { if (tcache == (void *)(uintptr_t)1) { /* * Make a note that an allocator function was * called after the tcache_thread_cleanup() was * called. */ tcache = (tcache_t *)(uintptr_t)2; tcache_tsd_set(&tcache); } return (NULL); } } return (tcache); } JEMALLOC_INLINE void tcache_event(tcache_t *tcache) { if (TCACHE_GC_INCR == 0) return; tcache->ev_cnt++; assert(tcache->ev_cnt <= TCACHE_GC_INCR); if (tcache->ev_cnt == TCACHE_GC_INCR) { size_t binind = tcache->next_gc_bin; tcache_bin_t *tbin = &tcache->tbins[binind]; tcache_bin_info_t *tbin_info = &tcache_bin_info[binind]; if (tbin->low_water > 0) { /* * Flush (ceiling) 3/4 of the objects below the low * water mark. */ if (binind < NBINS) { tcache_bin_flush_small(tbin, binind, tbin->ncached - tbin->low_water + (tbin->low_water >> 2), tcache); } else { tcache_bin_flush_large(tbin, binind, tbin->ncached - tbin->low_water + (tbin->low_water >> 2), tcache); } /* * Reduce fill count by 2X. Limit lg_fill_div such that * the fill count is always at least 1. */ if ((tbin_info->ncached_max >> (tbin->lg_fill_div+1)) >= 1) tbin->lg_fill_div++; } else if (tbin->low_water < 0) { /* * Increase fill count by 2X. Make sure lg_fill_div * stays greater than 0. */ if (tbin->lg_fill_div > 1) tbin->lg_fill_div--; } tbin->low_water = tbin->ncached; tcache->next_gc_bin++; if (tcache->next_gc_bin == nhbins) tcache->next_gc_bin = 0; tcache->ev_cnt = 0; } } JEMALLOC_INLINE void * tcache_alloc_easy(tcache_bin_t *tbin) { void *ret; if (tbin->ncached == 0) { tbin->low_water = -1; return (NULL); } tbin->ncached--; if ((int)tbin->ncached < tbin->low_water) tbin->low_water = tbin->ncached; ret = tbin->avail[tbin->ncached]; return (ret); } JEMALLOC_INLINE void * tcache_alloc_small(tcache_t *tcache, size_t size, bool zero) { void *ret; size_t binind; tcache_bin_t *tbin; binind = SMALL_SIZE2BIN(size); assert(binind < NBINS); tbin = &tcache->tbins[binind]; ret = tcache_alloc_easy(tbin); if (ret == NULL) { ret = tcache_alloc_small_hard(tcache, tbin, binind); if (ret == NULL) return (NULL); } assert(arena_salloc(ret) == arena_bin_info[binind].reg_size); if (zero == false) { if (config_fill) { if (opt_junk) memset(ret, 0xa5, size); else if (opt_zero) memset(ret, 0, size); } } else memset(ret, 0, size); if (config_stats) tbin->tstats.nrequests++; if (config_prof) tcache->prof_accumbytes += arena_bin_info[binind].reg_size; tcache_event(tcache); return (ret); } JEMALLOC_INLINE void * tcache_alloc_large(tcache_t *tcache, size_t size, bool zero) { void *ret; size_t binind; tcache_bin_t *tbin; size = PAGE_CEILING(size); assert(size <= tcache_maxclass); binind = NBINS + (size >> PAGE_SHIFT) - 1; assert(binind < nhbins); tbin = &tcache->tbins[binind]; ret = tcache_alloc_easy(tbin); if (ret == NULL) { /* * Only allocate one large object at a time, because it's quite * expensive to create one and not use it. */ ret = arena_malloc_large(tcache->arena, size, zero); if (ret == NULL) return (NULL); } else { if (config_prof) { arena_chunk_t *chunk = (arena_chunk_t *)CHUNK_ADDR2BASE(ret); size_t pageind = (((uintptr_t)ret - (uintptr_t)chunk) >> PAGE_SHIFT); chunk->map[pageind-map_bias].bits &= ~CHUNK_MAP_CLASS_MASK; } if (zero == false) { if (config_fill) { if (opt_junk) memset(ret, 0xa5, size); else if (opt_zero) memset(ret, 0, size); } } else memset(ret, 0, size); if (config_stats) tbin->tstats.nrequests++; if (config_prof) tcache->prof_accumbytes += size; } tcache_event(tcache); return (ret); } JEMALLOC_INLINE void tcache_dalloc_small(tcache_t *tcache, void *ptr) { arena_t *arena; arena_chunk_t *chunk; arena_run_t *run; arena_bin_t *bin; tcache_bin_t *tbin; tcache_bin_info_t *tbin_info; size_t pageind, binind; arena_chunk_map_t *mapelm; assert(arena_salloc(ptr) <= SMALL_MAXCLASS); chunk = (arena_chunk_t *)CHUNK_ADDR2BASE(ptr); arena = chunk->arena; pageind = ((uintptr_t)ptr - (uintptr_t)chunk) >> PAGE_SHIFT; mapelm = &chunk->map[pageind-map_bias]; run = (arena_run_t *)((uintptr_t)chunk + (uintptr_t)((pageind - (mapelm->bits >> PAGE_SHIFT)) << PAGE_SHIFT)); bin = run->bin; binind = ((uintptr_t)bin - (uintptr_t)&arena->bins) / sizeof(arena_bin_t); assert(binind < NBINS); if (config_fill && opt_junk) memset(ptr, 0x5a, arena_bin_info[binind].reg_size); tbin = &tcache->tbins[binind]; tbin_info = &tcache_bin_info[binind]; if (tbin->ncached == tbin_info->ncached_max) { tcache_bin_flush_small(tbin, binind, (tbin_info->ncached_max >> 1), tcache); } assert(tbin->ncached < tbin_info->ncached_max); tbin->avail[tbin->ncached] = ptr; tbin->ncached++; tcache_event(tcache); } JEMALLOC_INLINE void tcache_dalloc_large(tcache_t *tcache, void *ptr, size_t size) { size_t binind; tcache_bin_t *tbin; tcache_bin_info_t *tbin_info; assert((size & PAGE_MASK) == 0); assert(arena_salloc(ptr) > SMALL_MAXCLASS); assert(arena_salloc(ptr) <= tcache_maxclass); binind = NBINS + (size >> PAGE_SHIFT) - 1; if (config_fill && opt_junk) memset(ptr, 0x5a, size); tbin = &tcache->tbins[binind]; tbin_info = &tcache_bin_info[binind]; if (tbin->ncached == tbin_info->ncached_max) { tcache_bin_flush_large(tbin, binind, (tbin_info->ncached_max >> 1), tcache); } assert(tbin->ncached < tbin_info->ncached_max); tbin->avail[tbin->ncached] = ptr; tbin->ncached++; tcache_event(tcache); } #endif #endif /* JEMALLOC_H_INLINES */ /******************************************************************************/