#include "test/jemalloc_test.h" #include "jemalloc/internal/util.h" static arena_dalloc_junk_small_t *arena_dalloc_junk_small_orig; static large_dalloc_junk_t *large_dalloc_junk_orig; static large_dalloc_maybe_junk_t *large_dalloc_maybe_junk_orig; static void *watch_for_junking; static bool saw_junking; static void watch_junking(void *p) { watch_for_junking = p; saw_junking = false; } static void arena_dalloc_junk_small_intercept(void *ptr, const arena_bin_info_t *bin_info) { size_t i; arena_dalloc_junk_small_orig(ptr, bin_info); for (i = 0; i < bin_info->reg_size; i++) { assert_u_eq(((uint8_t *)ptr)[i], JEMALLOC_FREE_JUNK, "Missing junk fill for byte %zu/%zu of deallocated region", i, bin_info->reg_size); } if (ptr == watch_for_junking) { saw_junking = true; } } static void large_dalloc_junk_intercept(void *ptr, size_t usize) { size_t i; large_dalloc_junk_orig(ptr, usize); for (i = 0; i < usize; i++) { assert_u_eq(((uint8_t *)ptr)[i], JEMALLOC_FREE_JUNK, "Missing junk fill for byte %zu/%zu of deallocated region", i, usize); } if (ptr == watch_for_junking) { saw_junking = true; } } static void large_dalloc_maybe_junk_intercept(void *ptr, size_t usize) { large_dalloc_maybe_junk_orig(ptr, usize); if (ptr == watch_for_junking) { saw_junking = true; } } static void test_junk(size_t sz_min, size_t sz_max) { uint8_t *s; size_t sz_prev, sz, i; if (opt_junk_free) { arena_dalloc_junk_small_orig = arena_dalloc_junk_small; arena_dalloc_junk_small = arena_dalloc_junk_small_intercept; large_dalloc_junk_orig = large_dalloc_junk; large_dalloc_junk = large_dalloc_junk_intercept; large_dalloc_maybe_junk_orig = large_dalloc_maybe_junk; large_dalloc_maybe_junk = large_dalloc_maybe_junk_intercept; } sz_prev = 0; s = (uint8_t *)mallocx(sz_min, 0); assert_ptr_not_null((void *)s, "Unexpected mallocx() failure"); for (sz = sallocx(s, 0); sz <= sz_max; sz_prev = sz, sz = sallocx(s, 0)) { if (sz_prev > 0) { assert_u_eq(s[0], 'a', "Previously allocated byte %zu/%zu is corrupted", ZU(0), sz_prev); assert_u_eq(s[sz_prev-1], 'a', "Previously allocated byte %zu/%zu is corrupted", sz_prev-1, sz_prev); } for (i = sz_prev; i < sz; i++) { if (opt_junk_alloc) { assert_u_eq(s[i], JEMALLOC_ALLOC_JUNK, "Newly allocated byte %zu/%zu isn't " "junk-filled", i, sz); } s[i] = 'a'; } if (xallocx(s, sz+1, 0, 0) == sz) { uint8_t *t; watch_junking(s); t = (uint8_t *)rallocx(s, sz+1, 0); assert_ptr_not_null((void *)t, "Unexpected rallocx() failure"); assert_zu_ge(sallocx(t, 0), sz+1, "Unexpectedly small rallocx() result"); if (!background_thread_enabled()) { assert_ptr_ne(s, t, "Unexpected in-place rallocx()"); assert_true(!opt_junk_free || saw_junking, "Expected region of size %zu to be " "junk-filled", sz); } s = t; } } watch_junking(s); dallocx(s, 0); assert_true(!opt_junk_free || saw_junking, "Expected region of size %zu to be junk-filled", sz); if (opt_junk_free) { arena_dalloc_junk_small = arena_dalloc_junk_small_orig; large_dalloc_junk = large_dalloc_junk_orig; large_dalloc_maybe_junk = large_dalloc_maybe_junk_orig; } } TEST_BEGIN(test_junk_small) { test_skip_if(!config_fill); test_junk(1, SMALL_MAXCLASS-1); } TEST_END TEST_BEGIN(test_junk_large) { test_skip_if(!config_fill); test_junk(SMALL_MAXCLASS+1, (1U << (LG_LARGE_MINCLASS+1))); } TEST_END int main(void) { return test( test_junk_small, test_junk_large); }