#include "jemalloc/internal/jemalloc_preamble.h" #include "jemalloc/internal/jemalloc_internal_includes.h" #include "jemalloc/internal/malloc_io.h" #include "jemalloc/internal/util.h" #ifdef assert # undef assert #endif #ifdef not_reached # undef not_reached #endif #ifdef not_implemented # undef not_implemented #endif #ifdef assert_not_implemented # undef assert_not_implemented #endif /* * Define simple versions of assertion macros that won't recurse in case * of assertion failures in malloc_*printf(). */ #define assert(e) do { \ if (config_debug && !(e)) { \ malloc_write(": Failed assertion\n"); \ abort(); \ } \ } while (0) #define not_reached() do { \ if (config_debug) { \ malloc_write(": Unreachable code reached\n"); \ abort(); \ } \ unreachable(); \ } while (0) #define not_implemented() do { \ if (config_debug) { \ malloc_write(": Not implemented\n"); \ abort(); \ } \ } while (0) #define assert_not_implemented(e) do { \ if (unlikely(config_debug && !(e))) { \ not_implemented(); \ } \ } while (0) /******************************************************************************/ /* Function prototypes for non-inline static functions. */ #define U2S_BUFSIZE ((1U << (LG_SIZEOF_INTMAX_T + 3)) + 1) static char *u2s(uintmax_t x, unsigned base, bool uppercase, char *s, size_t *slen_p); #define D2S_BUFSIZE (1 + U2S_BUFSIZE) static char *d2s(intmax_t x, char sign, char *s, size_t *slen_p); #define O2S_BUFSIZE (1 + U2S_BUFSIZE) static char *o2s(uintmax_t x, bool alt_form, char *s, size_t *slen_p); #define X2S_BUFSIZE (2 + U2S_BUFSIZE) static char *x2s(uintmax_t x, bool alt_form, bool uppercase, char *s, size_t *slen_p); /******************************************************************************/ /* malloc_message() setup. */ void wrtmessage(void *cbopaque, const char *s) { malloc_write_fd(STDERR_FILENO, s, strlen(s)); } JEMALLOC_EXPORT void (*je_malloc_message)(void *, const char *s); /* * Wrapper around malloc_message() that avoids the need for * je_malloc_message(...) throughout the code. */ void malloc_write(const char *s) { if (je_malloc_message != NULL) { je_malloc_message(NULL, s); } else { wrtmessage(NULL, s); } } /* * glibc provides a non-standard strerror_r() when _GNU_SOURCE is defined, so * provide a wrapper. */ int buferror(int err, char *buf, size_t buflen) { #ifdef _WIN32 FormatMessageA(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, err, 0, (LPSTR)buf, (DWORD)buflen, NULL); return 0; #elif defined(JEMALLOC_STRERROR_R_RETURNS_CHAR_WITH_GNU_SOURCE) && defined(_GNU_SOURCE) char *b = strerror_r(err, buf, buflen); if (b != buf) { strncpy(buf, b, buflen); buf[buflen-1] = '\0'; } return 0; #else return strerror_r(err, buf, buflen); #endif } uintmax_t malloc_strtoumax(const char *restrict nptr, char **restrict endptr, int base) { uintmax_t ret, digit; unsigned b; bool neg; const char *p, *ns; p = nptr; if (base < 0 || base == 1 || base > 36) { ns = p; set_errno(EINVAL); ret = UINTMAX_MAX; goto label_return; } b = base; /* Swallow leading whitespace and get sign, if any. */ neg = false; while (true) { switch (*p) { case '\t': case '\n': case '\v': case '\f': case '\r': case ' ': p++; break; case '-': neg = true; JEMALLOC_FALLTHROUGH; case '+': p++; JEMALLOC_FALLTHROUGH; default: goto label_prefix; } } /* Get prefix, if any. */ label_prefix: /* * Note where the first non-whitespace/sign character is so that it is * possible to tell whether any digits are consumed (e.g., " 0" vs. * " -x"). */ ns = p; if (*p == '0') { switch (p[1]) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': if (b == 0) { b = 8; } if (b == 8) { p++; } break; case 'X': case 'x': switch (p[2]) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case 'E': case 'F': case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f': if (b == 0) { b = 16; } if (b == 16) { p += 2; } break; default: break; } break; default: p++; ret = 0; goto label_return; } } if (b == 0) { b = 10; } /* Convert. */ ret = 0; while ((*p >= '0' && *p <= '9' && (digit = *p - '0') < b) || (*p >= 'A' && *p <= 'Z' && (digit = 10 + *p - 'A') < b) || (*p >= 'a' && *p <= 'z' && (digit = 10 + *p - 'a') < b)) { uintmax_t pret = ret; ret *= b; ret += digit; if (ret < pret) { /* Overflow. */ set_errno(ERANGE); ret = UINTMAX_MAX; goto label_return; } p++; } if (neg) { ret = (uintmax_t)(-((intmax_t)ret)); } if (p == ns) { /* No conversion performed. */ set_errno(EINVAL); ret = UINTMAX_MAX; goto label_return; } label_return: if (endptr != NULL) { if (p == ns) { /* No characters were converted. */ *endptr = (char *)nptr; } else { *endptr = (char *)p; } } return ret; } static char * u2s(uintmax_t x, unsigned base, bool uppercase, char *s, size_t *slen_p) { unsigned i; i = U2S_BUFSIZE - 1; s[i] = '\0'; switch (base) { case 10: do { i--; s[i] = "0123456789"[x % (uint64_t)10]; x /= (uint64_t)10; } while (x > 0); break; case 16: { const char *digits = (uppercase) ? "0123456789ABCDEF" : "0123456789abcdef"; do { i--; s[i] = digits[x & 0xf]; x >>= 4; } while (x > 0); break; } default: { const char *digits = (uppercase) ? "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" : "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; assert(base >= 2 && base <= 36); do { i--; s[i] = digits[x % (uint64_t)base]; x /= (uint64_t)base; } while (x > 0); }} *slen_p = U2S_BUFSIZE - 1 - i; return &s[i]; } static char * d2s(intmax_t x, char sign, char *s, size_t *slen_p) { bool neg; if ((neg = (x < 0))) { x = -x; } s = u2s(x, 10, false, s, slen_p); if (neg) { sign = '-'; } switch (sign) { case '-': if (!neg) { break; } JEMALLOC_FALLTHROUGH; case ' ': case '+': s--; (*slen_p)++; *s = sign; break; default: not_reached(); } return s; } static char * o2s(uintmax_t x, bool alt_form, char *s, size_t *slen_p) { s = u2s(x, 8, false, s, slen_p); if (alt_form && *s != '0') { s--; (*slen_p)++; *s = '0'; } return s; } static char * x2s(uintmax_t x, bool alt_form, bool uppercase, char *s, size_t *slen_p) { s = u2s(x, 16, uppercase, s, slen_p); if (alt_form) { s -= 2; (*slen_p) += 2; memcpy(s, uppercase ? "0X" : "0x", 2); } return s; } size_t malloc_vsnprintf(char *str, size_t size, const char *format, va_list ap) { size_t i; const char *f; #define APPEND_C(c) do { \ if (i < size) { \ str[i] = (c); \ } \ i++; \ } while (0) #define APPEND_S(s, slen) do { \ if (i < size) { \ size_t cpylen = (slen <= size - i) ? slen : size - i; \ memcpy(&str[i], s, cpylen); \ } \ i += slen; \ } while (0) #define APPEND_PADDED_S(s, slen, width, left_justify) do { \ /* Left padding. */ \ size_t pad_len = (width == -1) ? 0 : ((slen < (size_t)width) ? \ (size_t)width - slen : 0); \ if (!left_justify && pad_len != 0) { \ size_t j; \ for (j = 0; j < pad_len; j++) { \ if (pad_zero) { \ APPEND_C('0'); \ } else { \ APPEND_C(' '); \ } \ } \ } \ /* Value. */ \ APPEND_S(s, slen); \ /* Right padding. */ \ if (left_justify && pad_len != 0) { \ size_t j; \ for (j = 0; j < pad_len; j++) { \ APPEND_C(' '); \ } \ } \ } while (0) #define GET_ARG_NUMERIC(val, len) do { \ switch ((unsigned char)len) { \ case '?': \ val = va_arg(ap, int); \ break; \ case '?' | 0x80: \ val = va_arg(ap, unsigned int); \ break; \ case 'l': \ val = va_arg(ap, long); \ break; \ case 'l' | 0x80: \ val = va_arg(ap, unsigned long); \ break; \ case 'q': \ val = va_arg(ap, long long); \ break; \ case 'q' | 0x80: \ val = va_arg(ap, unsigned long long); \ break; \ case 'j': \ val = va_arg(ap, intmax_t); \ break; \ case 'j' | 0x80: \ val = va_arg(ap, uintmax_t); \ break; \ case 't': \ val = va_arg(ap, ptrdiff_t); \ break; \ case 'z': \ val = va_arg(ap, ssize_t); \ break; \ case 'z' | 0x80: \ val = va_arg(ap, size_t); \ break; \ case 'p': /* Synthetic; used for %p. */ \ val = va_arg(ap, uintptr_t); \ break; \ default: \ not_reached(); \ val = 0; \ } \ } while (0) i = 0; f = format; while (true) { switch (*f) { case '\0': goto label_out; case '%': { bool alt_form = false; bool left_justify = false; bool plus_space = false; bool plus_plus = false; int prec = -1; int width = -1; unsigned char len = '?'; char *s; size_t slen; bool first_width_digit = true; bool pad_zero = false; f++; /* Flags. */ while (true) { switch (*f) { case '#': assert(!alt_form); alt_form = true; break; case '-': assert(!left_justify); left_justify = true; break; case ' ': assert(!plus_space); plus_space = true; break; case '+': assert(!plus_plus); plus_plus = true; break; default: goto label_width; } f++; } /* Width. */ label_width: switch (*f) { case '*': width = va_arg(ap, int); f++; if (width < 0) { left_justify = true; width = -width; } break; case '0': if (first_width_digit) { pad_zero = true; } JEMALLOC_FALLTHROUGH; case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': { uintmax_t uwidth; set_errno(0); uwidth = malloc_strtoumax(f, (char **)&f, 10); assert(uwidth != UINTMAX_MAX || get_errno() != ERANGE); width = (int)uwidth; first_width_digit = false; break; } default: break; } /* Width/precision separator. */ if (*f == '.') { f++; } else { goto label_length; } /* Precision. */ switch (*f) { case '*': prec = va_arg(ap, int); f++; break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': { uintmax_t uprec; set_errno(0); uprec = malloc_strtoumax(f, (char **)&f, 10); assert(uprec != UINTMAX_MAX || get_errno() != ERANGE); prec = (int)uprec; break; } default: break; } /* Length. */ label_length: switch (*f) { case 'l': f++; if (*f == 'l') { len = 'q'; f++; } else { len = 'l'; } break; case 'q': case 'j': case 't': case 'z': len = *f; f++; break; default: break; } /* Conversion specifier. */ switch (*f) { case '%': /* %% */ APPEND_C(*f); f++; break; case 'd': case 'i': { intmax_t val JEMALLOC_CC_SILENCE_INIT(0); char buf[D2S_BUFSIZE]; /* * Outputting negative, zero-padded numbers * would require a nontrivial rework of the * interaction between the width and padding * (since 0 padding goes between the '-' and the * number, while ' ' padding goes either before * the - or after the number. Since we * currently don't ever need 0-padded negative * numbers, just don't bother supporting it. */ assert(!pad_zero); GET_ARG_NUMERIC(val, len); s = d2s(val, (plus_plus ? '+' : (plus_space ? ' ' : '-')), buf, &slen); APPEND_PADDED_S(s, slen, width, left_justify); f++; break; } case 'o': { uintmax_t val JEMALLOC_CC_SILENCE_INIT(0); char buf[O2S_BUFSIZE]; GET_ARG_NUMERIC(val, len | 0x80); s = o2s(val, alt_form, buf, &slen); APPEND_PADDED_S(s, slen, width, left_justify); f++; break; } case 'u': { uintmax_t val JEMALLOC_CC_SILENCE_INIT(0); char buf[U2S_BUFSIZE]; GET_ARG_NUMERIC(val, len | 0x80); s = u2s(val, 10, false, buf, &slen); APPEND_PADDED_S(s, slen, width, left_justify); f++; break; } case 'x': case 'X': { uintmax_t val JEMALLOC_CC_SILENCE_INIT(0); char buf[X2S_BUFSIZE]; GET_ARG_NUMERIC(val, len | 0x80); s = x2s(val, alt_form, *f == 'X', buf, &slen); APPEND_PADDED_S(s, slen, width, left_justify); f++; break; } case 'c': { unsigned char val; char buf[2]; assert(len == '?' || len == 'l'); assert_not_implemented(len != 'l'); val = va_arg(ap, int); buf[0] = val; buf[1] = '\0'; APPEND_PADDED_S(buf, 1, width, left_justify); f++; break; } case 's': assert(len == '?' || len == 'l'); assert_not_implemented(len != 'l'); s = va_arg(ap, char *); slen = (prec < 0) ? strlen(s) : (size_t)prec; APPEND_PADDED_S(s, slen, width, left_justify); f++; break; case 'p': { uintmax_t val; char buf[X2S_BUFSIZE]; GET_ARG_NUMERIC(val, 'p'); s = x2s(val, true, false, buf, &slen); APPEND_PADDED_S(s, slen, width, left_justify); f++; break; } default: not_reached(); } break; } default: { APPEND_C(*f); f++; break; }} } label_out: if (i < size) { str[i] = '\0'; } else { str[size - 1] = '\0'; } #undef APPEND_C #undef APPEND_S #undef APPEND_PADDED_S #undef GET_ARG_NUMERIC return i; } JEMALLOC_FORMAT_PRINTF(3, 4) size_t malloc_snprintf(char *str, size_t size, const char *format, ...) { size_t ret; va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); ret = malloc_vsnprintf(str, size, format, ap); va_end(ap); return ret; } void malloc_vcprintf(write_cb_t *write_cb, void *cbopaque, const char *format, va_list ap) { char buf[MALLOC_PRINTF_BUFSIZE]; if (write_cb == NULL) { /* * The caller did not provide an alternate write_cb callback * function, so use the default one. malloc_write() is an * inline function, so use malloc_message() directly here. */ write_cb = (je_malloc_message != NULL) ? je_malloc_message : wrtmessage; } malloc_vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), format, ap); write_cb(cbopaque, buf); } /* * Print to a callback function in such a way as to (hopefully) avoid memory * allocation. */ JEMALLOC_FORMAT_PRINTF(3, 4) void malloc_cprintf(write_cb_t *write_cb, void *cbopaque, const char *format, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); malloc_vcprintf(write_cb, cbopaque, format, ap); va_end(ap); } /* Print to stderr in such a way as to avoid memory allocation. */ JEMALLOC_FORMAT_PRINTF(1, 2) void malloc_printf(const char *format, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); malloc_vcprintf(NULL, NULL, format, ap); va_end(ap); } /* * Restore normal assertion macros, in order to make it possible to compile all * C files as a single concatenation. */ #undef assert #undef not_reached #undef not_implemented #undef assert_not_implemented #include "jemalloc/internal/assert.h"