#include "test/jemalloc_test.h" #define TEST_BUF_SIZE 16 #define UNIT_MAX (TEST_BUF_SIZE * 3) static size_t test_write_len; static char test_buf[TEST_BUF_SIZE]; static uint64_t arg_store; static void test_write_cb(void *cbopaque, const char *s) { size_t prev_test_write_len = test_write_len; test_write_len += strlen(s); /* only increase the length */ arg_store = *(uint64_t *)cbopaque; /* only pass along the argument */ assert_zu_le(prev_test_write_len, test_write_len, "Test write overflowed"); } TEST_BEGIN(test_buf_write) { char s[UNIT_MAX + 1]; size_t n_unit, remain, i; ssize_t unit; uint64_t arg = 4; /* Starting value of random argument. */ buf_write_arg_t test_buf_arg = {test_write_cb, &arg, test_buf, TEST_BUF_SIZE - 1, 0}; memset(s, 'a', UNIT_MAX); arg_store = arg; for (unit = UNIT_MAX; unit >= 0; --unit) { /* unit keeps decreasing, so strlen(s) is always unit. */ s[unit] = '\0'; for (n_unit = 1; n_unit <= 3; ++n_unit) { test_write_len = 0; remain = 0; for (i = 1; i <= n_unit; ++i) { arg = prng_lg_range_u64(&arg, 64); buf_write_cb(&test_buf_arg, s); remain += unit; if (remain > test_buf_arg.buf_size) { /* Flushes should have happened. */ assert_u64_eq(arg_store, arg, "Call " "back argument didn't get through"); remain %= test_buf_arg.buf_size; if (remain == 0) { /* Last flush should be lazy. */ remain += test_buf_arg.buf_size; } } assert_zu_eq(test_write_len + remain, i * unit, "Incorrect length after writing %zu strings" " of length %zu", i, unit); } buf_write_flush(&test_buf_arg); assert_zu_eq(test_write_len, n_unit * unit, "Incorrect length after flushing at the end of" " writing %zu strings of length %zu", n_unit, unit); } } } TEST_END int main(void) { return test(test_buf_write); }