#ifndef JEMALLOC_INTERNAL_GUARD_H #define JEMALLOC_INTERNAL_GUARD_H #include "jemalloc/internal/jemalloc_preamble.h" #include "jemalloc/internal/ehooks.h" #include "jemalloc/internal/emap.h" #include "jemalloc/internal/jemalloc_internal_externs.h" #include "jemalloc/internal/tsd.h" #define SAN_PAGE_GUARD PAGE #define SAN_PAGE_GUARDS_SIZE (SAN_PAGE_GUARD * 2) #define SAN_GUARD_LARGE_EVERY_N_EXTENTS_DEFAULT 0 #define SAN_GUARD_SMALL_EVERY_N_EXTENTS_DEFAULT 0 #define SAN_LG_UAF_ALIGN_DEFAULT (-1) #define SAN_CACHE_BIN_NONFAST_MASK_DEFAULT (uintptr_t)(-1) static const uintptr_t uaf_detect_junk = (uintptr_t)0x5b5b5b5b5b5b5b5bULL; /* 0 means disabled, i.e. never guarded. */ extern size_t opt_san_guard_large; extern size_t opt_san_guard_small; /* -1 means disabled, i.e. never check for use-after-free. */ extern ssize_t opt_lg_san_uaf_align; void san_guard_pages(tsdn_t *tsdn, ehooks_t *ehooks, edata_t *edata, emap_t *emap, bool left, bool right, bool remap); void san_unguard_pages(tsdn_t *tsdn, ehooks_t *ehooks, edata_t *edata, emap_t *emap, bool left, bool right); /* * Unguard the extent, but don't modify emap boundaries. Must be called on an * extent that has been erased from emap and shouldn't be placed back. */ void san_unguard_pages_pre_destroy(tsdn_t *tsdn, ehooks_t *ehooks, edata_t *edata, emap_t *emap); void san_check_stashed_ptrs(void **ptrs, size_t nstashed, size_t usize); void tsd_san_init(tsd_t *tsd); void san_init(ssize_t lg_san_uaf_align); static inline void san_guard_pages_two_sided(tsdn_t *tsdn, ehooks_t *ehooks, edata_t *edata, emap_t *emap, bool remap) { san_guard_pages(tsdn, ehooks, edata, emap, true, true, remap); } static inline void san_unguard_pages_two_sided(tsdn_t *tsdn, ehooks_t *ehooks, edata_t *edata, emap_t *emap) { san_unguard_pages(tsdn, ehooks, edata, emap, true, true); } static inline size_t san_two_side_unguarded_sz(size_t size) { assert(size % PAGE == 0); assert(size >= SAN_PAGE_GUARDS_SIZE); return size - SAN_PAGE_GUARDS_SIZE; } static inline size_t san_two_side_guarded_sz(size_t size) { assert(size % PAGE == 0); return size + SAN_PAGE_GUARDS_SIZE; } static inline size_t san_one_side_unguarded_sz(size_t size) { assert(size % PAGE == 0); assert(size >= SAN_PAGE_GUARD); return size - SAN_PAGE_GUARD; } static inline size_t san_one_side_guarded_sz(size_t size) { assert(size % PAGE == 0); return size + SAN_PAGE_GUARD; } static inline bool san_guard_enabled(void) { return (opt_san_guard_large != 0 || opt_san_guard_small != 0); } static inline bool san_large_extent_decide_guard(tsdn_t *tsdn, ehooks_t *ehooks, size_t size, size_t alignment) { if (opt_san_guard_large == 0 || ehooks_guard_will_fail(ehooks) || tsdn_null(tsdn)) { return false; } tsd_t *tsd = tsdn_tsd(tsdn); uint64_t n = tsd_san_extents_until_guard_large_get(tsd); assert(n >= 1); if (n > 1) { /* * Subtract conditionally because the guard may not happen due * to alignment or size restriction below. */ *tsd_san_extents_until_guard_largep_get(tsd) = n - 1; } if (n == 1 && (alignment <= PAGE) && (san_two_side_guarded_sz(size) <= SC_LARGE_MAXCLASS)) { *tsd_san_extents_until_guard_largep_get(tsd) = opt_san_guard_large; return true; } else { assert(tsd_san_extents_until_guard_large_get(tsd) >= 1); return false; } } static inline bool san_slab_extent_decide_guard(tsdn_t *tsdn, ehooks_t *ehooks) { if (opt_san_guard_small == 0 || ehooks_guard_will_fail(ehooks) || tsdn_null(tsdn)) { return false; } tsd_t *tsd = tsdn_tsd(tsdn); uint64_t n = tsd_san_extents_until_guard_small_get(tsd); assert(n >= 1); if (n == 1) { *tsd_san_extents_until_guard_smallp_get(tsd) = opt_san_guard_small; return true; } else { *tsd_san_extents_until_guard_smallp_get(tsd) = n - 1; assert(tsd_san_extents_until_guard_small_get(tsd) >= 1); return false; } } static inline void san_junk_ptr_locations(void *ptr, size_t usize, void **first, void **mid, void **last) { size_t ptr_sz = sizeof(void *); *first = ptr; *mid = (void *)((byte_t *)ptr + ((usize >> 1) & ~(ptr_sz - 1))); assert(*first != *mid || usize == ptr_sz); assert((uintptr_t)*first <= (uintptr_t)*mid); /* * When usize > 32K, the gap between requested_size and usize might be * greater than 4K -- this means the last write may access an * likely-untouched page (default settings w/ 4K pages). However by * default the tcache only goes up to the 32K size class, and is usually * tuned lower instead of higher, which makes it less of a concern. */ *last = (void *)((byte_t *)ptr + usize - sizeof(uaf_detect_junk)); assert(*first != *last || usize == ptr_sz); assert(*mid != *last || usize <= ptr_sz * 2); assert((uintptr_t)*mid <= (uintptr_t)*last); } static inline bool san_junk_ptr_should_slow(void) { /* * The latter condition (pointer size greater than the min size class) * is not expected -- fall back to the slow path for simplicity. */ return config_debug || (LG_SIZEOF_PTR > SC_LG_TINY_MIN); } static inline void san_junk_ptr(void *ptr, size_t usize) { if (san_junk_ptr_should_slow()) { memset(ptr, (char)uaf_detect_junk, usize); return; } void *first, *mid, *last; san_junk_ptr_locations(ptr, usize, &first, &mid, &last); *(uintptr_t *)first = uaf_detect_junk; *(uintptr_t *)mid = uaf_detect_junk; *(uintptr_t *)last = uaf_detect_junk; } static inline bool san_uaf_detection_enabled(void) { bool ret = config_uaf_detection && (opt_lg_san_uaf_align != -1); if (config_uaf_detection && ret) { assert(san_cache_bin_nonfast_mask == ((uintptr_t)1 << opt_lg_san_uaf_align) - 1); } return ret; } #endif /* JEMALLOC_INTERNAL_GUARD_H */