#!/usr/bin/env python from itertools import combinations travis_template = """\ language: generic dist: precise matrix: include: %s before_script: - autoconf - scripts/gen_travis.py > travis_script && diff .travis.yml travis_script - ./configure ${COMPILER_FLAGS:+ \ CC="$CC $COMPILER_FLAGS" \ CXX="$CXX $COMPILER_FLAGS" } \ $CONFIGURE_FLAGS - make -j3 - make -j3 tests script: - make check """ # The 'default' configuration is gcc, on linux, with no compiler or configure # flags. We also test with clang, -m32, --enable-debug, --enable-prof, # --disable-stats, and --with-malloc-conf=tcache:false. To avoid abusing # travis though, we don't test all 2**7 = 128 possible combinations of these; # instead, we only test combinations of up to 2 'unusual' settings, under the # hope that bugs involving interactions of such settings are rare. # Things at once, for C(7, 0) + C(7, 1) + C(7, 2) = 29 MAX_UNUSUAL_OPTIONS = 2 os_default = 'linux' os_unusual = 'osx' compilers_default = 'CC=gcc CXX=g++' compilers_unusual = 'CC=clang CXX=clang++' compiler_flag_unusuals = ['-m32'] configure_flag_unusuals = [ '--enable-debug', '--enable-prof', '--disable-stats', '--disable-libdl', '--enable-opt-safety-checks', ] malloc_conf_unusuals = [ 'tcache:false', 'dss:primary', 'percpu_arena:percpu', 'background_thread:true', ] all_unusuals = ( [os_unusual] + [compilers_unusual] + compiler_flag_unusuals + configure_flag_unusuals + malloc_conf_unusuals ) unusual_combinations_to_test = [] for i in xrange(MAX_UNUSUAL_OPTIONS + 1): unusual_combinations_to_test += combinations(all_unusuals, i) gcc_multilib_set = False # Formats a job from a combination of flags def format_job(combination): global gcc_multilib_set os = os_unusual if os_unusual in combination else os_default compilers = compilers_unusual if compilers_unusual in combination else compilers_default compiler_flags = [x for x in combination if x in compiler_flag_unusuals] configure_flags = [x for x in combination if x in configure_flag_unusuals] malloc_conf = [x for x in combination if x in malloc_conf_unusuals] # Filter out unsupported configurations on OS X. if os == 'osx' and ('dss:primary' in malloc_conf or \ 'percpu_arena:percpu' in malloc_conf or 'background_thread:true' \ in malloc_conf): return "" if len(malloc_conf) > 0: configure_flags.append('--with-malloc-conf=' + ",".join(malloc_conf)) # Filter out an unsupported configuration - heap profiling on OS X. if os == 'osx' and '--enable-prof' in configure_flags: return "" # We get some spurious errors when -Warray-bounds is enabled. env_string = ('{} COMPILER_FLAGS="{}" CONFIGURE_FLAGS="{}" ' 'EXTRA_CFLAGS="-Werror -Wno-array-bounds"').format( compilers, " ".join(compiler_flags), " ".join(configure_flags)) job = "" job += ' - os: %s\n' % os job += ' env: %s\n' % env_string if '-m32' in combination and os == 'linux': job += ' addons:' if gcc_multilib_set: job += ' *gcc_multilib\n' else: job += ' &gcc_multilib\n' job += ' apt:\n' job += ' packages:\n' job += ' - gcc-multilib\n' gcc_multilib_set = True return job include_rows = "" for combination in unusual_combinations_to_test: include_rows += format_job(combination) # Development build include_rows += '''\ # Development build - os: linux env: CC=gcc CXX=g++ COMPILER_FLAGS="" CONFIGURE_FLAGS="--enable-debug --disable-cache-oblivious --enable-stats --enable-log --enable-prof" EXTRA_CFLAGS="-Werror -Wno-array-bounds" ''' # Enable-expermental-smallocx include_rows += '''\ # --enable-expermental-smallocx: - os: linux env: CC=gcc CXX=g++ COMPILER_FLAGS="" CONFIGURE_FLAGS="--enable-debug --enable-experimental-smallocx --enable-stats --enable-prof" EXTRA_CFLAGS="-Werror -Wno-array-bounds" ''' # Valgrind build bots include_rows += ''' # Valgrind - os: linux env: CC=gcc CXX=g++ COMPILER_FLAGS="" CONFIGURE_FLAGS="" EXTRA_CFLAGS="-Werror -Wno-array-bounds" JEMALLOC_TEST_PREFIX="valgrind" addons: apt: packages: - valgrind ''' # To enable valgrind on macosx add: # # - os: osx # env: CC=gcc CXX=g++ COMPILER_FLAGS="" CONFIGURE_FLAGS="" EXTRA_CFLAGS="-Werror -Wno-array-bounds" JEMALLOC_TEST_PREFIX="valgrind" # install: brew install valgrind # # It currently fails due to: https://github.com/jemalloc/jemalloc/issues/1274 print travis_template % include_rows