#include "test/jemalloc_test.h" #define THREAD_DATA 0x72b65c10 typedef unsigned int data_t; static bool data_cleanup_executed; void data_cleanup(void *arg) { data_t *data = (data_t *)arg; assert_x_eq(*data, THREAD_DATA, "Argument passed into cleanup function should match tsd value"); data_cleanup_executed = true; } malloc_tsd_protos(, data, data_t) malloc_tsd_externs(data, data_t) #define DATA_INIT 0x12345678 malloc_tsd_data(, data, data_t, DATA_INIT) malloc_tsd_funcs(, data, data_t, DATA_INIT, data_cleanup) void * je_thread_start(void *arg) { data_t d = (data_t)(uintptr_t)arg; assert_x_eq(*data_tsd_get(), DATA_INIT, "Initial tsd get should return initialization value"); data_tsd_set(&d); assert_x_eq(*data_tsd_get(), d, "After tsd set, tsd get should return value that was set"); d = 0; assert_x_eq(*data_tsd_get(), (data_t)(uintptr_t)arg, "Resetting local data should have no effect on tsd"); return NULL; } TEST_BEGIN(test_tsd_main_thread) { je_thread_start((void *) 0xa5f3e329); } TEST_END TEST_BEGIN(test_tsd_sub_thread) { je_thread_t thread; data_cleanup_executed = false; je_thread_create(&thread, je_thread_start, (void *) THREAD_DATA); je_thread_join(thread, NULL); assert_true(data_cleanup_executed, "Cleanup function should have executed"); } TEST_END int main(void) { data_tsd_boot(); return (test( test_tsd_main_thread, test_tsd_sub_thread)); }