#include "test/jemalloc_test.h" #define N_PARAM 100 #define N_THREADS 10 static void assert_rep() { assert_b_eq(prof_log_rep_check(), false, "Rep check failed"); } static void assert_log_empty() { assert_zu_eq(prof_log_bt_count(), 0, "The log has backtraces; it isn't empty"); assert_zu_eq(prof_log_thr_count(), 0, "The log has threads; it isn't empty"); assert_zu_eq(prof_log_alloc_count(), 0, "The log has allocations; it isn't empty"); } void *buf[N_PARAM]; static void f() { int i; for (i = 0; i < N_PARAM; i++) { buf[i] = malloc(100); } for (i = 0; i < N_PARAM; i++) { free(buf[i]); } } TEST_BEGIN(test_prof_log_many_logs) { int i; test_skip_if(!config_prof); for (i = 0; i < N_PARAM; i++) { assert_b_eq(prof_log_is_logging(), false, "Logging shouldn't have started yet"); assert_d_eq(mallctl("prof.log_start", NULL, NULL, NULL, 0), 0, "Unexpected mallctl failure when starting logging"); assert_b_eq(prof_log_is_logging(), true, "Logging should be started by now"); assert_log_empty(); assert_rep(); f(); assert_zu_eq(prof_log_thr_count(), 1, "Wrong thread count"); assert_rep(); assert_b_eq(prof_log_is_logging(), true, "Logging should still be on"); assert_d_eq(mallctl("prof.log_stop", NULL, NULL, NULL, 0), 0, "Unexpected mallctl failure when stopping logging"); assert_b_eq(prof_log_is_logging(), false, "Logging should have turned off"); } } TEST_END thd_t thr_buf[N_THREADS]; static void *f_thread(void *unused) { int i; for (i = 0; i < N_PARAM; i++) { void *p = malloc(100); memset(p, 100, 1); free(p); } return NULL; } TEST_BEGIN(test_prof_log_many_threads) { test_skip_if(!config_prof); int i; assert_d_eq(mallctl("prof.log_start", NULL, NULL, NULL, 0), 0, "Unexpected mallctl failure when starting logging"); for (i = 0; i < N_THREADS; i++) { thd_create(&thr_buf[i], &f_thread, NULL); } for (i = 0; i < N_THREADS; i++) { thd_join(thr_buf[i], NULL); } assert_zu_eq(prof_log_thr_count(), N_THREADS, "Wrong number of thread entries"); assert_rep(); assert_d_eq(mallctl("prof.log_stop", NULL, NULL, NULL, 0), 0, "Unexpected mallctl failure when stopping logging"); } TEST_END static void f3() { void *p = malloc(100); free(p); } static void f1() { void *p = malloc(100); f3(); free(p); } static void f2() { void *p = malloc(100); free(p); } TEST_BEGIN(test_prof_log_many_traces) { test_skip_if(!config_prof); assert_d_eq(mallctl("prof.log_start", NULL, NULL, NULL, 0), 0, "Unexpected mallctl failure when starting logging"); int i; assert_rep(); assert_log_empty(); for (i = 0; i < N_PARAM; i++) { assert_rep(); f1(); assert_rep(); f2(); assert_rep(); f3(); assert_rep(); } /* * There should be 8 total backtraces: two for malloc/free in f1(), two * for malloc/free in f2(), two for malloc/free in f3(), and then two * for malloc/free in f1()'s call to f3(). However compiler * optimizations such as loop unrolling might generate more call sites. * So >= 8 traces are expected. */ assert_zu_ge(prof_log_bt_count(), 8, "Expect at least 8 backtraces given sample workload"); assert_d_eq(mallctl("prof.log_stop", NULL, NULL, NULL, 0), 0, "Unexpected mallctl failure when stopping logging"); } TEST_END int main(void) { prof_log_dummy_set(true); return test_no_reentrancy( test_prof_log_many_logs, test_prof_log_many_traces, test_prof_log_many_threads); }