#include "jemalloc/internal/jemalloc_preamble.h" #include "jemalloc/internal/jemalloc_internal_includes.h" #include "jemalloc/internal/pac.h" static edata_t *pac_alloc_impl(tsdn_t *tsdn, pai_t *self, size_t size, size_t alignment, bool zero); static bool pac_expand_impl(tsdn_t *tsdn, pai_t *self, edata_t *edata, size_t old_size, size_t new_size, bool zero); static bool pac_shrink_impl(tsdn_t *tsdn, pai_t *self, edata_t *edata, size_t old_size, size_t new_size); static void pac_dalloc_impl(tsdn_t *tsdn, pai_t *self, edata_t *edata); static ehooks_t * pac_ehooks_get(pac_t *pac) { return base_ehooks_get(pac->base); } static inline void pac_decay_data_get(pac_t *pac, extent_state_t state, decay_t **r_decay, pac_decay_stats_t **r_decay_stats, ecache_t **r_ecache) { switch(state) { case extent_state_dirty: *r_decay = &pac->decay_dirty; *r_decay_stats = &pac->stats->decay_dirty; *r_ecache = &pac->ecache_dirty; return; case extent_state_muzzy: *r_decay = &pac->decay_muzzy; *r_decay_stats = &pac->stats->decay_muzzy; *r_ecache = &pac->ecache_muzzy; return; default: unreachable(); } } bool pac_init(tsdn_t *tsdn, pac_t *pac, base_t *base, emap_t *emap, edata_cache_t *edata_cache, nstime_t *cur_time, ssize_t dirty_decay_ms, ssize_t muzzy_decay_ms, pac_stats_t *pac_stats, malloc_mutex_t *stats_mtx) { unsigned ind = base_ind_get(base); /* * Delay coalescing for dirty extents despite the disruptive effect on * memory layout for best-fit extent allocation, since cached extents * are likely to be reused soon after deallocation, and the cost of * merging/splitting extents is non-trivial. */ if (ecache_init(tsdn, &pac->ecache_dirty, extent_state_dirty, ind, /* delay_coalesce */ true)) { return true; } /* * Coalesce muzzy extents immediately, because operations on them are in * the critical path much less often than for dirty extents. */ if (ecache_init(tsdn, &pac->ecache_muzzy, extent_state_muzzy, ind, /* delay_coalesce */ false)) { return true; } /* * Coalesce retained extents immediately, in part because they will * never be evicted (and therefore there's no opportunity for delayed * coalescing), but also because operations on retained extents are not * in the critical path. */ if (ecache_init(tsdn, &pac->ecache_retained, extent_state_retained, ind, /* delay_coalesce */ false)) { return true; } geom_grow_init(&pac->geom_grow); if (malloc_mutex_init(&pac->grow_mtx, "extent_grow", WITNESS_RANK_EXTENT_GROW, malloc_mutex_rank_exclusive)) { return true; } if (decay_init(&pac->decay_dirty, cur_time, dirty_decay_ms)) { return true; } if (decay_init(&pac->decay_muzzy, cur_time, muzzy_decay_ms)) { return true; } pac->base = base; pac->emap = emap; pac->edata_cache = edata_cache; pac->stats = pac_stats; pac->stats_mtx = stats_mtx; atomic_store_zu(&pac->extent_sn_next, 0, ATOMIC_RELAXED); pac->pai.alloc = &pac_alloc_impl; pac->pai.expand = &pac_expand_impl; pac->pai.shrink = &pac_shrink_impl; pac->pai.dalloc = &pac_dalloc_impl; return false; } static inline bool pac_may_have_muzzy(pac_t *pac) { return pac_decay_ms_get(pac, extent_state_muzzy) != 0; } static edata_t * pac_alloc_impl(tsdn_t *tsdn, pai_t *self, size_t size, size_t alignment, bool zero) { pac_t *pac = (pac_t *)self; ehooks_t *ehooks = pac_ehooks_get(pac); edata_t *edata = ecache_alloc(tsdn, pac, ehooks, &pac->ecache_dirty, NULL, size, alignment, zero); if (edata == NULL && pac_may_have_muzzy(pac)) { edata = ecache_alloc(tsdn, pac, ehooks, &pac->ecache_muzzy, NULL, size, alignment, zero); } if (edata == NULL) { edata = ecache_alloc_grow(tsdn, pac, ehooks, &pac->ecache_retained, NULL, size, alignment, zero); if (config_stats && edata != NULL) { atomic_fetch_add_zu(&pac->stats->pac_mapped, size, ATOMIC_RELAXED); } } return edata; } static bool pac_expand_impl(tsdn_t *tsdn, pai_t *self, edata_t *edata, size_t old_size, size_t new_size, bool zero) { pac_t *pac = (pac_t *)self; ehooks_t *ehooks = pac_ehooks_get(pac); void *trail_begin = edata_past_get(edata); size_t mapped_add = 0; size_t expand_amount = new_size - old_size; if (ehooks_merge_will_fail(ehooks)) { return true; } edata_t *trail = ecache_alloc(tsdn, pac, ehooks, &pac->ecache_dirty, trail_begin, expand_amount, PAGE, zero); if (trail == NULL) { trail = ecache_alloc(tsdn, pac, ehooks, &pac->ecache_muzzy, trail_begin, expand_amount, PAGE, zero); } if (trail == NULL) { trail = ecache_alloc_grow(tsdn, pac, ehooks, &pac->ecache_retained, trail_begin, expand_amount, PAGE, zero); mapped_add = expand_amount; } if (trail == NULL) { return true; } if (extent_merge_wrapper(tsdn, pac, ehooks, edata, trail)) { extent_dalloc_wrapper(tsdn, pac, ehooks, trail); return true; } if (config_stats && mapped_add > 0) { atomic_fetch_add_zu(&pac->stats->pac_mapped, mapped_add, ATOMIC_RELAXED); } return false; } static bool pac_shrink_impl(tsdn_t *tsdn, pai_t *self, edata_t *edata, size_t old_size, size_t new_size) { pac_t *pac = (pac_t *)self; ehooks_t *ehooks = pac_ehooks_get(pac); size_t shrink_amount = old_size - new_size; if (ehooks_split_will_fail(ehooks)) { return true; } edata_t *trail = extent_split_wrapper(tsdn, pac, ehooks, edata, new_size, shrink_amount); if (trail == NULL) { return true; } ecache_dalloc(tsdn, pac, ehooks, &pac->ecache_dirty, trail); return false; } static void pac_dalloc_impl(tsdn_t *tsdn, pai_t *self, edata_t *edata) { pac_t *pac = (pac_t *)self; ehooks_t *ehooks = pac_ehooks_get(pac); ecache_dalloc(tsdn, pac, ehooks, &pac->ecache_dirty, edata); } bool pac_retain_grow_limit_get_set(tsdn_t *tsdn, pac_t *pac, size_t *old_limit, size_t *new_limit) { pszind_t new_ind JEMALLOC_CC_SILENCE_INIT(0); if (new_limit != NULL) { size_t limit = *new_limit; /* Grow no more than the new limit. */ if ((new_ind = sz_psz2ind(limit + 1) - 1) >= SC_NPSIZES) { return true; } } malloc_mutex_lock(tsdn, &pac->grow_mtx); if (old_limit != NULL) { *old_limit = sz_pind2sz(pac->geom_grow.limit); } if (new_limit != NULL) { pac->geom_grow.limit = new_ind; } malloc_mutex_unlock(tsdn, &pac->grow_mtx); return false; } static size_t pac_stash_decayed(tsdn_t *tsdn, pac_t *pac, ecache_t *ecache, size_t npages_limit, size_t npages_decay_max, edata_list_inactive_t *result) { witness_assert_depth_to_rank(tsdn_witness_tsdp_get(tsdn), WITNESS_RANK_CORE, 0); ehooks_t *ehooks = pac_ehooks_get(pac); /* Stash extents according to npages_limit. */ size_t nstashed = 0; while (nstashed < npages_decay_max) { edata_t *edata = ecache_evict(tsdn, pac, ehooks, ecache, npages_limit); if (edata == NULL) { break; } edata_list_inactive_append(result, edata); nstashed += edata_size_get(edata) >> LG_PAGE; } return nstashed; } static size_t pac_decay_stashed(tsdn_t *tsdn, pac_t *pac, decay_t *decay, pac_decay_stats_t *decay_stats, ecache_t *ecache, bool fully_decay, edata_list_inactive_t *decay_extents) { bool err; size_t nmadvise = 0; size_t nunmapped = 0; size_t npurged = 0; ehooks_t *ehooks = pac_ehooks_get(pac); bool try_muzzy = !fully_decay && pac_decay_ms_get(pac, extent_state_muzzy) != 0; for (edata_t *edata = edata_list_inactive_first(decay_extents); edata != NULL; edata = edata_list_inactive_first(decay_extents)) { edata_list_inactive_remove(decay_extents, edata); size_t size = edata_size_get(edata); size_t npages = size >> LG_PAGE; nmadvise++; npurged += npages; switch (ecache->state) { case extent_state_active: not_reached(); case extent_state_dirty: if (try_muzzy) { err = extent_purge_lazy_wrapper(tsdn, ehooks, edata, /* offset */ 0, size); if (!err) { ecache_dalloc(tsdn, pac, ehooks, &pac->ecache_muzzy, edata); break; } } JEMALLOC_FALLTHROUGH; case extent_state_muzzy: extent_dalloc_wrapper(tsdn, pac, ehooks, edata); nunmapped += npages; break; case extent_state_retained: default: not_reached(); } } if (config_stats) { LOCKEDINT_MTX_LOCK(tsdn, *pac->stats_mtx); locked_inc_u64(tsdn, LOCKEDINT_MTX(*pac->stats_mtx), &decay_stats->npurge, 1); locked_inc_u64(tsdn, LOCKEDINT_MTX(*pac->stats_mtx), &decay_stats->nmadvise, nmadvise); locked_inc_u64(tsdn, LOCKEDINT_MTX(*pac->stats_mtx), &decay_stats->purged, npurged); LOCKEDINT_MTX_UNLOCK(tsdn, *pac->stats_mtx); atomic_fetch_sub_zu(&pac->stats->pac_mapped, nunmapped << LG_PAGE, ATOMIC_RELAXED); } return npurged; } /* * npages_limit: Decay at most npages_decay_max pages without violating the * invariant: (ecache_npages_get(ecache) >= npages_limit). We need an upper * bound on number of pages in order to prevent unbounded growth (namely in * stashed), otherwise unbounded new pages could be added to extents during the * current decay run, so that the purging thread never finishes. */ static void pac_decay_to_limit(tsdn_t *tsdn, pac_t *pac, decay_t *decay, pac_decay_stats_t *decay_stats, ecache_t *ecache, bool fully_decay, size_t npages_limit, size_t npages_decay_max) { witness_assert_depth_to_rank(tsdn_witness_tsdp_get(tsdn), WITNESS_RANK_CORE, 1); if (decay->purging || npages_decay_max == 0) { return; } decay->purging = true; malloc_mutex_unlock(tsdn, &decay->mtx); edata_list_inactive_t decay_extents; edata_list_inactive_init(&decay_extents); size_t npurge = pac_stash_decayed(tsdn, pac, ecache, npages_limit, npages_decay_max, &decay_extents); if (npurge != 0) { size_t npurged = pac_decay_stashed(tsdn, pac, decay, decay_stats, ecache, fully_decay, &decay_extents); assert(npurged == npurge); } malloc_mutex_lock(tsdn, &decay->mtx); decay->purging = false; } void pac_decay_all(tsdn_t *tsdn, pac_t *pac, decay_t *decay, pac_decay_stats_t *decay_stats, ecache_t *ecache, bool fully_decay) { malloc_mutex_assert_owner(tsdn, &decay->mtx); pac_decay_to_limit(tsdn, pac, decay, decay_stats, ecache, fully_decay, /* npages_limit */ 0, ecache_npages_get(ecache)); } static void pac_decay_try_purge(tsdn_t *tsdn, pac_t *pac, decay_t *decay, pac_decay_stats_t *decay_stats, ecache_t *ecache, size_t current_npages, size_t npages_limit) { if (current_npages > npages_limit) { pac_decay_to_limit(tsdn, pac, decay, decay_stats, ecache, /* fully_decay */ false, npages_limit, current_npages - npages_limit); } } bool pac_maybe_decay_purge(tsdn_t *tsdn, pac_t *pac, decay_t *decay, pac_decay_stats_t *decay_stats, ecache_t *ecache, pac_purge_eagerness_t eagerness) { malloc_mutex_assert_owner(tsdn, &decay->mtx); /* Purge all or nothing if the option is disabled. */ ssize_t decay_ms = decay_ms_read(decay); if (decay_ms <= 0) { if (decay_ms == 0) { pac_decay_to_limit(tsdn, pac, decay, decay_stats, ecache, /* fully_decay */ false, /* npages_limit */ 0, ecache_npages_get(ecache)); } return false; } /* * If the deadline has been reached, advance to the current epoch and * purge to the new limit if necessary. Note that dirty pages created * during the current epoch are not subject to purge until a future * epoch, so as a result purging only happens during epoch advances, or * being triggered by background threads (scheduled event). */ nstime_t time; nstime_init_update(&time); size_t npages_current = ecache_npages_get(ecache); bool epoch_advanced = decay_maybe_advance_epoch(decay, &time, npages_current); if (eagerness == PAC_PURGE_ALWAYS || (epoch_advanced && eagerness == PAC_PURGE_ON_EPOCH_ADVANCE)) { size_t npages_limit = decay_npages_limit_get(decay); pac_decay_try_purge(tsdn, pac, decay, decay_stats, ecache, npages_current, npages_limit); } return epoch_advanced; } bool pac_decay_ms_set(tsdn_t *tsdn, pac_t *pac, extent_state_t state, ssize_t decay_ms, pac_purge_eagerness_t eagerness) { decay_t *decay; pac_decay_stats_t *decay_stats; ecache_t *ecache; pac_decay_data_get(pac, state, &decay, &decay_stats, &ecache); if (!decay_ms_valid(decay_ms)) { return true; } malloc_mutex_lock(tsdn, &decay->mtx); /* * Restart decay backlog from scratch, which may cause many dirty pages * to be immediately purged. It would conceptually be possible to map * the old backlog onto the new backlog, but there is no justification * for such complexity since decay_ms changes are intended to be * infrequent, either between the {-1, 0, >0} states, or a one-time * arbitrary change during initial arena configuration. */ nstime_t cur_time; nstime_init_update(&cur_time); decay_reinit(decay, &cur_time, decay_ms); pac_maybe_decay_purge(tsdn, pac, decay, decay_stats, ecache, eagerness); malloc_mutex_unlock(tsdn, &decay->mtx); return false; } ssize_t pac_decay_ms_get(pac_t *pac, extent_state_t state) { decay_t *decay; pac_decay_stats_t *decay_stats; ecache_t *ecache; pac_decay_data_get(pac, state, &decay, &decay_stats, &ecache); return decay_ms_read(decay); } void pac_reset(tsdn_t *tsdn, pac_t *pac) { /* * No-op for now; purging is still done at the arena-level. It should * get moved in here, though. */ (void)tsdn; (void)pac; } void pac_destroy(tsdn_t *tsdn, pac_t *pac) { assert(ecache_npages_get(&pac->ecache_dirty) == 0); assert(ecache_npages_get(&pac->ecache_muzzy) == 0); /* * Iterate over the retained extents and destroy them. This gives the * extent allocator underlying the extent hooks an opportunity to unmap * all retained memory without having to keep its own metadata * structures. In practice, virtual memory for dss-allocated extents is * leaked here, so best practice is to avoid dss for arenas to be * destroyed, or provide custom extent hooks that track retained * dss-based extents for later reuse. */ ehooks_t *ehooks = pac_ehooks_get(pac); edata_t *edata; while ((edata = ecache_evict(tsdn, pac, ehooks, &pac->ecache_retained, 0)) != NULL) { extent_destroy_wrapper(tsdn, pac, ehooks, edata); } }