#ifndef JEMALLOC_INTERNAL_WITNESS_H #define JEMALLOC_INTERNAL_WITNESS_H #include "jemalloc/internal/ql.h" /******************************************************************************/ /* LOCK RANKS */ /******************************************************************************/ /* * Witnesses with rank WITNESS_RANK_OMIT are completely ignored by the witness * machinery. */ #define WITNESS_RANK_OMIT 0U #define WITNESS_RANK_MIN 1U #define WITNESS_RANK_INIT 1U #define WITNESS_RANK_CTL 1U #define WITNESS_RANK_TCACHES 2U #define WITNESS_RANK_ARENAS 3U #define WITNESS_RANK_BACKGROUND_THREAD_GLOBAL 4U #define WITNESS_RANK_PROF_DUMP 5U #define WITNESS_RANK_PROF_BT2GCTX 6U #define WITNESS_RANK_PROF_TDATAS 7U #define WITNESS_RANK_PROF_TDATA 8U #define WITNESS_RANK_PROF_LOG 9U #define WITNESS_RANK_PROF_GCTX 10U #define WITNESS_RANK_BACKGROUND_THREAD 11U /* * Used as an argument to witness_assert_depth_to_rank() in order to validate * depth excluding non-core locks with lower ranks. Since the rank argument to * witness_assert_depth_to_rank() is inclusive rather than exclusive, this * definition can have the same value as the minimally ranked core lock. */ #define WITNESS_RANK_CORE 12U #define WITNESS_RANK_DECAY 12U #define WITNESS_RANK_TCACHE_QL 13U #define WITNESS_RANK_EXTENT_GROW 14U #define WITNESS_RANK_EXTENTS 15U #define WITNESS_RANK_EDATA_CACHE 16U #define WITNESS_RANK_EXTENT_POOL 17U #define WITNESS_RANK_RTREE 18U #define WITNESS_RANK_BASE 19U #define WITNESS_RANK_ARENA_LARGE 20U #define WITNESS_RANK_HOOK 21U #define WITNESS_RANK_LEAF 0xffffffffU #define WITNESS_RANK_BIN WITNESS_RANK_LEAF #define WITNESS_RANK_ARENA_STATS WITNESS_RANK_LEAF #define WITNESS_RANK_DSS WITNESS_RANK_LEAF #define WITNESS_RANK_PROF_ACTIVE WITNESS_RANK_LEAF #define WITNESS_RANK_PROF_ACCUM WITNESS_RANK_LEAF #define WITNESS_RANK_PROF_DUMP_FILENAME WITNESS_RANK_LEAF #define WITNESS_RANK_PROF_GDUMP WITNESS_RANK_LEAF #define WITNESS_RANK_PROF_NEXT_THR_UID WITNESS_RANK_LEAF #define WITNESS_RANK_PROF_THREAD_ACTIVE_INIT WITNESS_RANK_LEAF /******************************************************************************/ /* PER-WITNESS DATA */ /******************************************************************************/ #if defined(JEMALLOC_DEBUG) # define WITNESS_INITIALIZER(name, rank) {name, rank, NULL, NULL, {NULL, NULL}} #else # define WITNESS_INITIALIZER(name, rank) #endif typedef struct witness_s witness_t; typedef unsigned witness_rank_t; typedef ql_head(witness_t) witness_list_t; typedef int witness_comp_t (const witness_t *, void *, const witness_t *, void *); struct witness_s { /* Name, used for printing lock order reversal messages. */ const char *name; /* * Witness rank, where 0 is lowest and UINT_MAX is highest. Witnesses * must be acquired in order of increasing rank. */ witness_rank_t rank; /* * If two witnesses are of equal rank and they have the samp comp * function pointer, it is called as a last attempt to differentiate * between witnesses of equal rank. */ witness_comp_t *comp; /* Opaque data, passed to comp(). */ void *opaque; /* Linkage for thread's currently owned locks. */ ql_elm(witness_t) link; }; /******************************************************************************/ /* PER-THREAD DATA */ /******************************************************************************/ typedef struct witness_tsd_s witness_tsd_t; struct witness_tsd_s { witness_list_t witnesses; bool forking; }; #define WITNESS_TSD_INITIALIZER { ql_head_initializer(witnesses), false } #define WITNESS_TSDN_NULL ((witness_tsdn_t *)0) /******************************************************************************/ /* (PER-THREAD) NULLABILITY HELPERS */ /******************************************************************************/ typedef struct witness_tsdn_s witness_tsdn_t; struct witness_tsdn_s { witness_tsd_t witness_tsd; }; JEMALLOC_ALWAYS_INLINE witness_tsdn_t * witness_tsd_tsdn(witness_tsd_t *witness_tsd) { return (witness_tsdn_t *)witness_tsd; } JEMALLOC_ALWAYS_INLINE bool witness_tsdn_null(witness_tsdn_t *witness_tsdn) { return witness_tsdn == NULL; } JEMALLOC_ALWAYS_INLINE witness_tsd_t * witness_tsdn_tsd(witness_tsdn_t *witness_tsdn) { assert(!witness_tsdn_null(witness_tsdn)); return &witness_tsdn->witness_tsd; } /******************************************************************************/ /* API */ /******************************************************************************/ void witness_init(witness_t *witness, const char *name, witness_rank_t rank, witness_comp_t *comp, void *opaque); typedef void (witness_lock_error_t)(const witness_list_t *, const witness_t *); extern witness_lock_error_t *JET_MUTABLE witness_lock_error; typedef void (witness_owner_error_t)(const witness_t *); extern witness_owner_error_t *JET_MUTABLE witness_owner_error; typedef void (witness_not_owner_error_t)(const witness_t *); extern witness_not_owner_error_t *JET_MUTABLE witness_not_owner_error; typedef void (witness_depth_error_t)(const witness_list_t *, witness_rank_t rank_inclusive, unsigned depth); extern witness_depth_error_t *JET_MUTABLE witness_depth_error; void witnesses_cleanup(witness_tsd_t *witness_tsd); void witness_prefork(witness_tsd_t *witness_tsd); void witness_postfork_parent(witness_tsd_t *witness_tsd); void witness_postfork_child(witness_tsd_t *witness_tsd); /* Helper, not intended for direct use. */ static inline bool witness_owner(witness_tsd_t *witness_tsd, const witness_t *witness) { witness_list_t *witnesses; witness_t *w; cassert(config_debug); witnesses = &witness_tsd->witnesses; ql_foreach(w, witnesses, link) { if (w == witness) { return true; } } return false; } static inline void witness_assert_owner(witness_tsdn_t *witness_tsdn, const witness_t *witness) { witness_tsd_t *witness_tsd; if (!config_debug) { return; } if (witness_tsdn_null(witness_tsdn)) { return; } witness_tsd = witness_tsdn_tsd(witness_tsdn); if (witness->rank == WITNESS_RANK_OMIT) { return; } if (witness_owner(witness_tsd, witness)) { return; } witness_owner_error(witness); } static inline void witness_assert_not_owner(witness_tsdn_t *witness_tsdn, const witness_t *witness) { witness_tsd_t *witness_tsd; witness_list_t *witnesses; witness_t *w; if (!config_debug) { return; } if (witness_tsdn_null(witness_tsdn)) { return; } witness_tsd = witness_tsdn_tsd(witness_tsdn); if (witness->rank == WITNESS_RANK_OMIT) { return; } witnesses = &witness_tsd->witnesses; ql_foreach(w, witnesses, link) { if (w == witness) { witness_not_owner_error(witness); } } } static inline void witness_assert_depth_to_rank(witness_tsdn_t *witness_tsdn, witness_rank_t rank_inclusive, unsigned depth) { witness_tsd_t *witness_tsd; unsigned d; witness_list_t *witnesses; witness_t *w; if (!config_debug) { return; } if (witness_tsdn_null(witness_tsdn)) { return; } witness_tsd = witness_tsdn_tsd(witness_tsdn); d = 0; witnesses = &witness_tsd->witnesses; w = ql_last(witnesses, link); if (w != NULL) { ql_reverse_foreach(w, witnesses, link) { if (w->rank < rank_inclusive) { break; } d++; } } if (d != depth) { witness_depth_error(witnesses, rank_inclusive, depth); } } static inline void witness_assert_depth(witness_tsdn_t *witness_tsdn, unsigned depth) { witness_assert_depth_to_rank(witness_tsdn, WITNESS_RANK_MIN, depth); } static inline void witness_assert_lockless(witness_tsdn_t *witness_tsdn) { witness_assert_depth(witness_tsdn, 0); } static inline void witness_lock(witness_tsdn_t *witness_tsdn, witness_t *witness) { witness_tsd_t *witness_tsd; witness_list_t *witnesses; witness_t *w; if (!config_debug) { return; } if (witness_tsdn_null(witness_tsdn)) { return; } witness_tsd = witness_tsdn_tsd(witness_tsdn); if (witness->rank == WITNESS_RANK_OMIT) { return; } witness_assert_not_owner(witness_tsdn, witness); witnesses = &witness_tsd->witnesses; w = ql_last(witnesses, link); if (w == NULL) { /* No other locks; do nothing. */ } else if (witness_tsd->forking && w->rank <= witness->rank) { /* Forking, and relaxed ranking satisfied. */ } else if (w->rank > witness->rank) { /* Not forking, rank order reversal. */ witness_lock_error(witnesses, witness); } else if (w->rank == witness->rank && (w->comp == NULL || w->comp != witness->comp || w->comp(w, w->opaque, witness, witness->opaque) > 0)) { /* * Missing/incompatible comparison function, or comparison * function indicates rank order reversal. */ witness_lock_error(witnesses, witness); } ql_elm_new(witness, link); ql_tail_insert(witnesses, witness, link); } static inline void witness_unlock(witness_tsdn_t *witness_tsdn, witness_t *witness) { witness_tsd_t *witness_tsd; witness_list_t *witnesses; if (!config_debug) { return; } if (witness_tsdn_null(witness_tsdn)) { return; } witness_tsd = witness_tsdn_tsd(witness_tsdn); if (witness->rank == WITNESS_RANK_OMIT) { return; } /* * Check whether owner before removal, rather than relying on * witness_assert_owner() to abort, so that unit tests can test this * function's failure mode without causing undefined behavior. */ if (witness_owner(witness_tsd, witness)) { witnesses = &witness_tsd->witnesses; ql_remove(witnesses, witness, link); } else { witness_assert_owner(witness_tsdn, witness); } } #endif /* JEMALLOC_INTERNAL_WITNESS_H */