#include "test/jemalloc_test.h" static void assert_small_allocation_sampled(void *ptr, size_t size) { assert_ptr_not_null(ptr, "Unexpected malloc failure"); assert_zu_le(size, SC_SMALL_MAXCLASS, "Unexpected large size class"); edata_t *edata = emap_edata_lookup(TSDN_NULL, &arena_emap_global, ptr); assert_ptr_not_null(edata, "Unable to find edata for allocation"); expect_false(edata_slab_get(edata), "Sampled small allocations should not be placed on slabs"); expect_ptr_eq(edata_base_get(edata), ptr, "Sampled allocations should be page-aligned"); expect_zu_eq(edata_usize_get(edata), size, "Edata usize did not match requested size"); expect_zu_eq(edata_size_get(edata), PAGE_CEILING(size) + sz_large_pad, "Edata actual size was not a multiple of PAGE"); prof_tctx_t *prof_tctx = edata_prof_tctx_get(edata); expect_ptr_not_null(prof_tctx, "Edata had null prof_tctx"); expect_ptr_not_null(prof_tctx->tdata, "Edata had null prof_tdata despite being sampled"); } TEST_BEGIN(test_profile_small_allocations) { test_skip_if(!config_prof); for (szind_t index = 0; index < SC_NBINS; index++) { size_t size = sz_index2size(index); void *ptr = malloc(size); assert_small_allocation_sampled(ptr, size); free(ptr); } } TEST_END TEST_BEGIN(test_profile_small_reallocations_growing) { test_skip_if(!config_prof); void *ptr = NULL; for (szind_t index = 0; index < SC_NBINS; index++) { size_t size = sz_index2size(index); ptr = realloc(ptr, size); assert_small_allocation_sampled(ptr, size); } } TEST_END TEST_BEGIN(test_profile_small_reallocations_shrinking) { test_skip_if(!config_prof); void *ptr = NULL; for (szind_t index = SC_NBINS; index-- > 0;) { size_t size = sz_index2size(index); ptr = realloc(ptr, size); assert_small_allocation_sampled(ptr, size); } } TEST_END TEST_BEGIN(test_profile_small_reallocations_same_size_class) { test_skip_if(!config_prof); for (szind_t index = 0; index < SC_NBINS; index++) { size_t size = sz_index2size(index); void *ptr = malloc(size); assert_small_allocation_sampled(ptr, size); ptr = realloc(ptr, size - 1); assert_small_allocation_sampled(ptr, size); free(ptr); } } TEST_END int main(void) { return test(test_profile_small_allocations, test_profile_small_reallocations_growing, test_profile_small_reallocations_shrinking, test_profile_small_reallocations_same_size_class); }