#include "test/jemalloc_test.h" #include "jemalloc/internal/pa.h" static void * alloc_hook(extent_hooks_t *extent_hooks, void *new_addr, size_t size, size_t alignment, bool *zero, bool *commit, unsigned arena_ind) { void *ret = pages_map(new_addr, size, alignment, commit); return ret; } static bool merge_hook(extent_hooks_t *extent_hooks, void *addr_a, size_t size_a, void *addr_b, size_t size_b, bool committed, unsigned arena_ind) { return !maps_coalesce; } static bool split_hook(extent_hooks_t *extent_hooks, void *addr, size_t size, size_t size_a, size_t size_b, bool committed, unsigned arena_ind) { return !maps_coalesce; } static void init_test_extent_hooks(extent_hooks_t *hooks) { /* * The default hooks are mostly fine for testing. A few of them, * though, access globals (alloc for dss setting in an arena, split and * merge touch the global emap to find head state. The first of these * can be fixed by keeping that state with the hooks, where it logically * belongs. The second, though, we can only fix when we use the extent * hook API. */ memcpy(hooks, &ehooks_default_extent_hooks, sizeof(extent_hooks_t)); hooks->alloc = &alloc_hook; hooks->merge = &merge_hook; hooks->split = &split_hook; } typedef struct test_data_s test_data_t; struct test_data_s { pa_shard_t shard; pa_central_t central; base_t *base; emap_t emap; pa_shard_stats_t stats; malloc_mutex_t stats_mtx; extent_hooks_t hooks; }; test_data_t *init_test_data(ssize_t dirty_decay_ms, ssize_t muzzy_decay_ms) { test_data_t *test_data = calloc(1, sizeof(test_data_t)); assert_ptr_not_null(test_data, ""); init_test_extent_hooks(&test_data->hooks); base_t *base = base_new(TSDN_NULL, /* ind */ 1, &test_data->hooks); assert_ptr_not_null(base, ""); test_data->base = base; bool err = emap_init(&test_data->emap, test_data->base, /* zeroed */ true); assert_false(err, ""); nstime_t time; nstime_init(&time, 0); err = pa_central_init(&test_data->central, base, opt_hpa, &hpa_hooks_default); assert_false(err, ""); const size_t oversize_threshold = 8 * 1024 * 1024; err = pa_shard_init(TSDN_NULL, &test_data->shard, &test_data->central, &test_data->emap, test_data->base, /* ind */ 1, &test_data->stats, &test_data->stats_mtx, &time, oversize_threshold, dirty_decay_ms, muzzy_decay_ms); assert_false(err, ""); return test_data; } void destroy_test_data(test_data_t *data) { base_delete(TSDN_NULL, data->base); free(data); } static void * do_alloc_free_purge(void *arg) { test_data_t *test_data = (test_data_t *)arg; for (int i = 0; i < 10 * 1000; i++) { bool deferred_work_generated; edata_t *edata = pa_alloc(TSDN_NULL, &test_data->shard, PAGE, PAGE, /* slab */ false, /* szind */ 0, /* zero */ false, &deferred_work_generated); assert_ptr_not_null(edata, ""); pa_dalloc(TSDN_NULL, &test_data->shard, edata, &deferred_work_generated); malloc_mutex_lock(TSDN_NULL, &test_data->shard.pac.decay_dirty.mtx); pac_decay_all(TSDN_NULL, &test_data->shard.pac, &test_data->shard.pac.decay_dirty, &test_data->shard.pac.stats->decay_dirty, &test_data->shard.pac.ecache_dirty, true); malloc_mutex_unlock(TSDN_NULL, &test_data->shard.pac.decay_dirty.mtx); } return NULL; } TEST_BEGIN(test_alloc_free_purge_thds) { test_data_t *test_data = init_test_data(0, 0); thd_t thds[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { thd_create(&thds[i], do_alloc_free_purge, test_data); } for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { thd_join(thds[i], NULL); } } TEST_END int main(void) { return test( test_alloc_free_purge_thds); }