#include "test/jemalloc_test.h"

const char *malloc_conf =

static int
prof_dump_open_intercept(bool propagate_err, const char *filename)
	int fd;

	fd = open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY);
	assert_d_ne(fd, -1, "Unexpected open() failure");

	return (fd);

	size_t lg_prof_sample_orig, lg_prof_sample, lg_prof_sample_next;
	size_t sz;
	unsigned i;


	sz = sizeof(size_t);
	assert_d_eq(mallctl("opt.lg_prof_sample", &lg_prof_sample_orig, &sz,
	    NULL, 0), 0,
	    "Unexpected mallctl failure while reading profiling sample rate");
	assert_zu_eq(lg_prof_sample_orig, 0,
	    "Unexpected profiling sample rate");
	sz = sizeof(size_t);
	assert_d_eq(mallctl("prof.lg_sample", &lg_prof_sample, &sz, NULL, 0), 0,
	    "Unexpected mallctl failure while reading profiling sample rate");
	assert_zu_eq(lg_prof_sample_orig, lg_prof_sample,
	    "Unexpected disagreement between \"opt.lg_prof_sample\" and "

	/* Test simple resets. */
	for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
		assert_d_eq(mallctl("prof.reset", NULL, NULL, NULL, 0), 0,
		    "Unexpected mallctl failure while resetting profile data");
		sz = sizeof(size_t);
		assert_d_eq(mallctl("prof.lg_sample", &lg_prof_sample, &sz,
		    NULL, 0), 0, "Unexpected mallctl failure while reading "
		    "profiling sample rate");
		assert_zu_eq(lg_prof_sample_orig, lg_prof_sample,
		    "Unexpected profile sample rate change");

	/* Test resets with prof.lg_sample changes. */
	lg_prof_sample_next = 1;
	for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
		assert_d_eq(mallctl("prof.reset", NULL, NULL,
		    &lg_prof_sample_next, sizeof(size_t)), 0,
		    "Unexpected mallctl failure while resetting profile data");
		sz = sizeof(size_t);
		assert_d_eq(mallctl("prof.lg_sample", &lg_prof_sample, &sz,
		    NULL, 0), 0, "Unexpected mallctl failure while reading "
		    "profiling sample rate");
		assert_zu_eq(lg_prof_sample, lg_prof_sample_next,
		    "Expected profile sample rate change");
		lg_prof_sample_next = lg_prof_sample_orig;

	/* Make sure the test code restored prof.lg_sample. */
	sz = sizeof(size_t);
	assert_d_eq(mallctl("prof.lg_sample", &lg_prof_sample, &sz, NULL, 0), 0,
	    "Unexpected mallctl failure while reading profiling sample rate");
	assert_zu_eq(lg_prof_sample_orig, lg_prof_sample,
	    "Unexpected disagreement between \"opt.lg_prof_sample\" and "

bool prof_dump_header_intercepted = false;
prof_cnt_t cnt_all_copy = {0, 0, 0, 0};
static bool
prof_dump_header_intercept(bool propagate_err, const prof_cnt_t *cnt_all)

	prof_dump_header_intercepted = true;
	memcpy(&cnt_all_copy, cnt_all, sizeof(prof_cnt_t));

	return (false);

	bool active;
	void *p;
	prof_dump_header_t *prof_dump_header_orig;


	active = true;
	assert_d_eq(mallctl("prof.active", NULL, NULL, &active, sizeof(active)),
	    0, "Unexpected mallctl failure while activating profiling");

	assert_zu_eq(prof_bt_count(), 0, "Expected 0 backtraces");
	p = mallocx(1, 0);
	assert_ptr_not_null(p, "Unexpected mallocx() failure");
	assert_zu_eq(prof_bt_count(), 1, "Expected 1 backtrace");

	prof_dump_header_orig = prof_dump_header;
	prof_dump_header = prof_dump_header_intercept;
	assert_false(prof_dump_header_intercepted, "Unexpected intercept");

	assert_d_eq(mallctl("prof.dump", NULL, NULL, NULL, 0),
	    0, "Unexpected error while dumping heap profile");
	assert_true(prof_dump_header_intercepted, "Expected intercept");
	assert_u64_eq(cnt_all_copy.curobjs, 1, "Expected 1 allocation");

	assert_d_eq(mallctl("prof.reset", NULL, NULL, NULL, 0), 0,
	    "Unexpected error while resetting heap profile data");
	assert_d_eq(mallctl("prof.dump", NULL, NULL, NULL, 0),
	    0, "Unexpected error while dumping heap profile");
	assert_u64_eq(cnt_all_copy.curobjs, 0, "Expected 0 allocations");
	assert_zu_eq(prof_bt_count(), 1, "Expected 1 backtrace");

	prof_dump_header = prof_dump_header_orig;

	dallocx(p, 0);
	assert_zu_eq(prof_bt_count(), 0, "Expected 0 backtraces");

	active = false;
	assert_d_eq(mallctl("prof.active", NULL, NULL, &active, sizeof(active)),
	    0, "Unexpected mallctl failure while deactivating profiling");

#define	NTHREADS		4
#define	NALLOCS_PER_THREAD	(1U << 13)
#define	OBJ_RING_BUF_COUNT	1531
#define	RESET_INTERVAL		(1U << 10)
#define	DUMP_INTERVAL		3677
static void *
thd_start(void *varg)
	unsigned thd_ind = *(unsigned *)varg;
	unsigned i;
	void *objs[OBJ_RING_BUF_COUNT];

	memset(objs, 0, sizeof(objs));

	for (i = 0; i < NALLOCS_PER_THREAD; i++) {
		if (i % RESET_INTERVAL == 0) {
			assert_d_eq(mallctl("prof.reset", NULL, NULL, NULL, 0),
			    0, "Unexpected error while resetting heap profile "

		if (i % DUMP_INTERVAL == 0) {
			assert_d_eq(mallctl("prof.dump", NULL, NULL, NULL, 0),
			    0, "Unexpected error while dumping heap profile");

			void **pp = &objs[i % OBJ_RING_BUF_COUNT];
			if (*pp != NULL) {
				dallocx(*pp, 0);
				*pp = NULL;
			*pp = btalloc(1, thd_ind*NALLOCS_PER_THREAD + i);
			    "Unexpected btalloc() failure");

	/* Clean up any remaining objects. */
	for (i = 0; i < OBJ_RING_BUF_COUNT; i++) {
		void **pp = &objs[i % OBJ_RING_BUF_COUNT];
		if (*pp != NULL) {
			dallocx(*pp, 0);
			*pp = NULL;

	return (NULL);

	bool active;
	thd_t thds[NTHREADS];
	unsigned thd_args[NTHREADS];
	unsigned i;
	size_t bt_count, tdata_count;


	bt_count = prof_bt_count();
	assert_zu_eq(bt_count, 0,
	    "Unexpected pre-existing tdata structures");
	tdata_count = prof_tdata_count();

	active = true;
	assert_d_eq(mallctl("prof.active", NULL, NULL, &active, sizeof(active)),
	    0, "Unexpected mallctl failure while activating profiling");

	for (i = 0; i < NTHREADS; i++) {
		thd_args[i] = i;
		thd_create(&thds[i], thd_start, (void *)&thd_args[i]);
	for (i = 0; i < NTHREADS; i++)
		thd_join(thds[i], NULL);

	assert_zu_eq(prof_bt_count(), bt_count,
	    "Unexpected bactrace count change");
	assert_zu_eq(prof_tdata_count(), tdata_count,
	    "Unexpected remaining tdata structures");

	active = false;
	assert_d_eq(mallctl("prof.active", NULL, NULL, &active, sizeof(active)),
	    0, "Unexpected mallctl failure while deactivating profiling");


	/* Intercept dumping prior to running any tests. */
	prof_dump_open = prof_dump_open_intercept;

	return (test(