David Goldblatt 3aba072cef SC: Remove global data.
The global data is mostly only used at initialization, or for easy access to
values we could compute statically.  Instead of consuming that space (and
risking TLB misses), we can just pass around a pointer to stack data during
2018-07-23 13:37:08 -07:00

325 lines
13 KiB

#include "jemalloc/internal/jemalloc_internal_types.h"
* Size class computations:
* These are a little tricky; we'll first start by describing how things
* generally work, and then describe some of the details.
* Ignore the first few size classes for a moment. We can then split all the
* remaining size classes into groups. The size classes in a group are spaced
* such that they cover allocation request sizes in a power-of-2 range. The
* power of two is called the base of the group, and the size classes in it
* satisfy allocations in the half-open range (base, base * 2]. There are
* SC_NGROUP size classes in each group, equally spaced in the range, so that
* each one covers allocations for base / SC_NGROUP possible allocation sizes.
* We call that value (base / SC_NGROUP) the delta of the group. Each size class
* is delta larger than the one before it (including the initial size class in a
* group, which is delta large than 2**base, the largest size class in the
* previous group).
* To make the math all work out nicely, we require that SC_NGROUP is a power of
* two, and define it in terms of SC_LG_NGROUP. We'll often talk in terms of
* lg_base and lg_delta. For each of these groups then, we have that
* lg_delta == lg_base - SC_LG_NGROUP.
* The size classes in a group with a given lg_base and lg_delta (which, recall,
* can be computed from lg_base for these groups) are therefore:
* base + 1 * delta
* which covers allocations in (base, base + 1 * delta]
* base + 2 * delta
* which covers allocations in (base + 1 * delta, base + 2 * delta].
* base + 3 * delta
* which covers allocations in (base + 2 * delta, base + 3 * delta].
* ...
* base + SC_NGROUP * delta ( == 2 * base)
* which covers allocations in (base + (SC_NGROUP - 1) * delta, 2 * base].
* (Note that currently SC_NGROUP is always 4, so the "..." is empty in
* practice.)
* Note that the last size class in the group is the next power of two (after
* base), so that we've set up the induction correctly for the next group's
* selection of delta.
* Now, let's start considering the first few size classes. Two extra constants
* come into play here: LG_QUANTUM and SC_LG_TINY_MIN. LG_QUANTUM ensures
* correct platform alignment; all objects of size (1 << LG_QUANTUM) or larger
* are at least (1 << LG_QUANTUM) aligned; this can be used to ensure that we
* never return improperly aligned memory, by making (1 << LG_QUANTUM) equal the
* highest required alignment of a platform. For allocation sizes smaller than
* (1 << LG_QUANTUM) though, we can be more relaxed (since we don't support
* platforms with types with alignment larger than their size). To allow such
* allocations (without wasting space unnecessarily), we introduce tiny size
* classes; one per power of two, up until we hit the quantum size. There are
* therefore LG_QUANTUM - SC_LG_TINY_MIN such size classes.
* Next, we have a size class of size LG_QUANTUM. This can't be the start of a
* group in the sense we described above (covering a power of two range) since,
* if we divided into it to pick a value of delta, we'd get a delta smaller than
* (1 << LG_QUANTUM) for sizes >= (1 << LG_QUANTUM), which is against the rules.
* The first base we can divide by SC_NGROUP while still being at least
* (1 << LG_QUANTUM) is SC_NGROUP * (1 << LG_QUANTUM). We can get there by
* having SC_NGROUP size classes, spaced (1 << LG_QUANTUM) apart. These size
* classes are:
* 1 * (1 << LG_QUANTUM)
* 2 * (1 << LG_QUANTUM)
* 3 * (1 << LG_QUANTUM)
* ... (although, as above, this "..." is empty in practice)
* There are SC_NGROUP of these size classes, so we can regard it as a sort of
* pseudo-group, even though it spans multiple powers of 2, is divided
* differently, and both starts and ends on a power of 2 (as opposed to just
* ending). SC_NGROUP is itself a power of two, so the first group after the
* pseudo-group has the power-of-two base SC_NGROUP * (1 << LG_QUANTUM), for a
* lg_base of LG_QUANTUM + SC_LG_NGROUP. We can divide this base into SC_NGROUP
* sizes without violating our LG_QUANTUM requirements, so we can safely set
* lg_delta = lg_base - SC_LG_GROUP (== LG_QUANTUM).
* So, in order, the size classes are:
* Tiny size classes:
* - Sizes:
* 1 << (SC_LG_TINY_MIN + 1)
* 1 << (SC_LG_TINY_MIN + 2)
* ...
* 1 << (LG_QUANTUM - 1)
* Initial pseudo-group:
* - Count: SC_NGROUP
* - Sizes:
* 1 * (1 << LG_QUANTUM)
* 2 * (1 << LG_QUANTUM)
* 3 * (1 << LG_QUANTUM)
* ...
* Regular group 0:
* - Count: SC_NGROUP
* - Sizes:
* (relative to lg_base of LG_QUANTUM + SC_LG_NGROUP and lg_delta of
* lg_base - SC_LG_NGROUP)
* (1 << lg_base) + 1 * (1 << lg_delta)
* (1 << lg_base) + 2 * (1 << lg_delta)
* (1 << lg_base) + 3 * (1 << lg_delta)
* ...
* (1 << lg_base) + SC_NGROUP * (1 << lg_delta) [ == (1 << (lg_base + 1)) ]
* Regular group 1:
* - Count: SC_NGROUP
* - Sizes:
* (relative to lg_base of LG_QUANTUM + SC_LG_NGROUP + 1 and lg_delta of
* lg_base - SC_LG_NGROUP)
* (1 << lg_base) + 1 * (1 << lg_delta)
* (1 << lg_base) + 2 * (1 << lg_delta)
* (1 << lg_base) + 3 * (1 << lg_delta)
* ...
* (1 << lg_base) + SC_NGROUP * (1 << lg_delta) [ == (1 << (lg_base + 1)) ]
* ...
* Regular group N:
* - Count: SC_NGROUP
* - Sizes:
* (relative to lg_base of LG_QUANTUM + SC_LG_NGROUP + N and lg_delta of
* lg_base - SC_LG_NGROUP)
* (1 << lg_base) + 1 * (1 << lg_delta)
* (1 << lg_base) + 2 * (1 << lg_delta)
* (1 << lg_base) + 3 * (1 << lg_delta)
* ...
* (1 << lg_base) + SC_NGROUP * (1 << lg_delta) [ == (1 << (lg_base + 1)) ]
* Representation of metadata:
* To make the math easy, we'll mostly work in lg quantities. We record lg_base,
* lg_delta, and ndelta (i.e. number of deltas above the base) on a
* per-size-class basis, and maintain the invariant that, across all size
* classes, size == (1 << lg_base) + ndelta * (1 << lg_delta).
* For regular groups (i.e. those with lg_base >= LG_QUANTUM + SC_LG_NGROUP),
* lg_delta is lg_base - SC_LG_NGROUP, and ndelta goes from 1 to SC_NGROUP.
* For the initial tiny size classes (if any), lg_base is lg(size class size).
* lg_delta is lg_base for the first size class, and lg_base - 1 for all
* subsequent ones. ndelta is always 0.
* For the pseudo-group, if there are no tiny size classes, then we set
* lg_base == LG_QUANTUM, lg_delta == LG_QUANTUM, and have ndelta range from 0
* to SC_NGROUP - 1. (Note that delta == base, so base + (SC_NGROUP - 1) * delta
* is just SC_NGROUP * base, or (1 << (SC_LG_NGROUP + LG_QUANTUM)), so we do
* indeed get a power of two that way). If there *are* tiny size classes, then
* the first size class needs to have lg_delta relative to the largest tiny size
* class. We therefore set lg_base == LG_QUANTUM - 1,
* lg_delta == LG_QUANTUM - 1, and ndelta == 1, keeping the rest of the
* pseudo-group the same.
* Other terminology:
* "Small" size classes mean those that are allocated out of bins, which is the
* same as those that are slab allocated.
* "Large" size classes are those that are not small. The cutoff for counting as
* large is page size * group size.
* Size class N + (1 << SC_LG_NGROUP) twice the size of size class N.
#define SC_LG_NGROUP 2
#define SC_LG_TINY_MIN 3
#if SC_LG_TINY_MIN == 0
/* The div module doesn't support division by 1, which this would require. */
#error "Unsupported LG_TINY_MIN"
* The definitions below are all determined by the above settings and system
* characteristics.
#define SC_PTR_BITS ((1ULL << LG_SIZEOF_PTR) * 8)
* We cap allocations to be less than 2 ** (ptr_bits - 1), so the highest base
* we need is 2 ** (ptr_bits - 2). (This also means that the last group is 1
* size class shorter than the others).
* We could probably save some space in arenas by capping this at LG_VADDR size.
#define SC_LG_BASE_MAX (SC_PTR_BITS - 2)
* The number of size classes that are at least a page in size. Note that
* because delta may be smaller than a page, this is not the same as the number
* of size classes that are *multiples* of the page size.
#define SC_NPSIZES ( \
/* Start with all the size classes. */ \
/* Subtract out those groups with too small a base. */ \
/* And the pseudo-group. */ \
/* And the tiny group. */ \
/* Groups where ndelta*delta is not a multiple of the page size. */ \
- (2 * (SC_NGROUP)))
* We declare a size class is binnable if size < page size * group. Or, in other
* words, lg(size) < lg(page size) + lg(group size).
#define SC_NBINS ( \
/* Sub-regular size classes. */ \
/* Groups with lg_regular_min_base <= lg_base <= lg_base_max */ \
/* Last SC of the last group hits the bound exactly; exclude it. */ \
- 1)
* The size2index_tab lookup table uses uint8_t to encode each bin index, so we
* cannot support more than 256 small size classes.
#if (SC_NBINS > 256)
# error "Too many small size classes"
/* The largest size class in the lookup table. */
#define SC_LOOKUP_MAXCLASS ((size_t)1 << 12)
/* Internal, only used for the definition of SC_SMALL_MAXCLASS. */
#define SC_SMALL_MAX_BASE ((size_t)1 << (LG_PAGE + SC_LG_NGROUP - 1))
#define SC_SMALL_MAX_DELTA ((size_t)1 << (LG_PAGE - 1))
/* The largest size class allocated out of a slab. */
/* The smallest size class not allocated out of a slab. */
#define SC_LARGE_MINCLASS ((size_t)1ULL << (LG_PAGE + SC_LG_NGROUP))
/* Internal; only used for the definition of SC_LARGE_MAXCLASS. */
#define SC_MAX_BASE ((size_t)1 << (SC_PTR_BITS - 2))
#define SC_MAX_DELTA ((size_t)1 << (SC_PTR_BITS - 2 - SC_LG_NGROUP))
/* The largest size class supported. */
typedef struct sc_s sc_t;
struct sc_s {
/* Size class index, or -1 if not a valid size class. */
int index;
/* Lg group base size (no deltas added). */
int lg_base;
/* Lg delta to previous size class. */
int lg_delta;
/* Delta multiplier. size == 1<<lg_base + ndelta<<lg_delta */
int ndelta;
* True if the size class is a multiple of the page size, false
* otherwise.
bool psz;
* True if the size class is a small, bin, size class. False otherwise.
bool bin;
/* The slab page count if a small bin size class, 0 otherwise. */
int pgs;
/* Same as lg_delta if a lookup table size class, 0 otherwise. */
int lg_delta_lookup;
typedef struct sc_data_s sc_data_t;
struct sc_data_s {
/* Number of tiny size classes. */
unsigned ntiny;
/* Number of bins supported by the lookup table. */
int nlbins;
/* Number of small size class bins. */
int nbins;
/* Number of size classes. */
int nsizes;
/* Number of bits required to store NSIZES. */
int lg_ceil_nsizes;
/* Number of size classes that are a multiple of (1U << LG_PAGE). */
unsigned npsizes;
/* Lg of maximum tiny size class (or -1, if none). */
int lg_tiny_maxclass;
/* Maximum size class included in lookup table. */
size_t lookup_maxclass;
/* Maximum small size class. */
size_t small_maxclass;
/* Lg of minimum large size class. */
int lg_large_minclass;
/* The minimum large size class. */
size_t large_minclass;
/* Maximum (large) size class. */
size_t large_maxclass;
/* True if the sc_data_t has been initialized (for debugging only). */
bool initialized;
sc_t sc[SC_NSIZES];
void sc_data_init(sc_data_t *data);
* Updates slab sizes in [begin, end] to be pgs pages in length, if possible.
* Otherwise, does its best to accomodate the request.
void sc_data_update_slab_size(sc_data_t *data, size_t begin, size_t end,
int pgs);
void sc_boot(sc_data_t *data);