Invert the chunk map bit that tracks whether a page is zeroed, so that for zeroed arena chunks, the interior of the page map does not need to be initialized (as it consists entirely of zero bytes).
547 lines
16 KiB
547 lines
16 KiB
* Subpages are an artificially designated partitioning of pages. Their only
* purpose is to support subpage-spaced size classes.
* There must be at least 4 subpages per page, due to the way size classes are
* handled.
#define LG_SUBPAGE 8
#define SUBPAGE ((size_t)(1U << LG_SUBPAGE))
/* Return the smallest subpage multiple that is >= s. */
#define SUBPAGE_CEILING(s) \
/* Smallest size class to support. */
* Maximum size class that is a multiple of the quantum, but not (necessarily)
* a power of 2. Above this size, allocations are rounded up to the nearest
* power of 2.
* Maximum size class that is a multiple of the cacheline, but not (necessarily)
* a power of 2. Above this size, allocations are rounded up to the nearest
* power of 2.
* RUN_MAX_OVRHD indicates maximum desired run header overhead. Runs are sized
* as small as possible such that this setting is still honored, without
* violating other constraints. The goal is to make runs as small as possible
* without exceeding a per run external fragmentation threshold.
* We use binary fixed point math for overhead computations, where the binary
* point is implicitly RUN_BFP bits to the left.
* Note that it is possible to set RUN_MAX_OVRHD low enough that it cannot be
* honored for some/all object sizes, since there is one bit of header overhead
* per object (plus a constant). This constraint is relaxed (ignored) for runs
* that are so small that the per-region overhead is greater than:
* (RUN_MAX_OVRHD / (reg_size << (3+RUN_BFP))
#define RUN_BFP 12
/* \/ Implicit binary fixed point. */
#define RUN_MAX_OVRHD 0x0000003dU
#define RUN_MAX_OVRHD_RELAX 0x00001800U
* The minimum ratio of active:dirty pages per arena is computed as:
* (nactive >> opt_lg_dirty_mult) >= ndirty
* So, supposing that opt_lg_dirty_mult is 5, there can be no less than 32
* times as many active pages as dirty pages.
typedef struct arena_chunk_map_s arena_chunk_map_t;
typedef struct arena_chunk_s arena_chunk_t;
typedef struct arena_run_s arena_run_t;
typedef struct arena_bin_s arena_bin_t;
typedef struct arena_s arena_t;
#endif /* JEMALLOC_H_TYPES */
/* Each element of the chunk map corresponds to one page within the chunk. */
struct arena_chunk_map_s {
union {
* Linkage for run trees. There are two disjoint uses:
* 1) arena_t's runs_avail_{clean,dirty} trees.
* 2) arena_run_t conceptually uses this linkage for in-use
* non-full runs, rather than directly embedding linkage.
rb_node(arena_chunk_map_t) rb_link;
* List of runs currently in purgatory. arena_chunk_purge()
* temporarily allocates runs that contain dirty pages while
* purging, so that other threads cannot use the runs while the
* purging thread is operating without the arena lock held.
ql_elm(arena_chunk_map_t) ql_link;
} u;
/* Profile counters, used for large object runs. */
prof_ctx_t *prof_ctx;
* Run address (or size) and various flags are stored together. The bit
* layout looks like (assuming 32-bit system):
* ???????? ???????? ????---- ----dzla
* ? : Unallocated: Run address for first/last pages, unset for internal
* pages.
* Small: Run page offset.
* Large: Run size for first page, unset for trailing pages.
* - : Unused.
* d : dirty?
* z : zeroed?
* l : large?
* a : allocated?
* Following are example bit patterns for the three types of runs.
* p : run page offset
* s : run size
* c : size class (used only if prof_promote is true)
* x : don't care
* - : 0
* + : 1
* [DULA] : bit set
* [dula] : bit unset
* Unallocated (clean):
* ssssssss ssssssss ssss---- ----du--
* xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx---- -----Uxx
* ssssssss ssssssss ssss---- ----dU--
* Unallocated (dirty):
* ssssssss ssssssss ssss---- ----D---
* xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx---- ----xxxx
* ssssssss ssssssss ssss---- ----D---
* Small:
* pppppppp pppppppp pppp---- ----d--a
* pppppppp pppppppp pppp---- -------a
* pppppppp pppppppp pppp---- ----d--a
* Large:
* ssssssss ssssssss ssss++++ ++++D-la
* xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx---- ----xxxx
* -------- -------- -------- ----D-la
* Large (sampled, size <= PAGE_SIZE):
* ssssssss ssssssss sssscccc ccccD-la
* Large (not sampled, size == PAGE_SIZE):
* ssssssss ssssssss ssss++++ ++++D-la
size_t bits;
#define CHUNK_MAP_CLASS_MASK ((size_t)0xff0U)
#define CHUNK_MAP_FLAGS_MASK ((size_t)0xfU)
#define CHUNK_MAP_DIRTY ((size_t)0x8U)
#define CHUNK_MAP_UNZEROED ((size_t)0x4U)
#define CHUNK_MAP_LARGE ((size_t)0x2U)
#define CHUNK_MAP_ALLOCATED ((size_t)0x1U)
typedef rb_tree(arena_chunk_map_t) arena_avail_tree_t;
typedef rb_tree(arena_chunk_map_t) arena_run_tree_t;
/* Arena chunk header. */
struct arena_chunk_s {
/* Arena that owns the chunk. */
arena_t *arena;
/* Linkage for the arena's chunks_dirty list. */
ql_elm(arena_chunk_t) link_dirty;
* True if the chunk is currently in the chunks_dirty list, due to
* having at some point contained one or more dirty pages. Removal
* from chunks_dirty is lazy, so (dirtied && ndirty == 0) is possible.
bool dirtied;
/* Number of dirty pages. */
size_t ndirty;
* Map of pages within chunk that keeps track of free/large/small. The
* first map_bias entries are omitted, since the chunk header does not
* need to be tracked in the map. This omission saves a header page
* for common chunk sizes (e.g. 4 MiB).
arena_chunk_map_t map[1]; /* Dynamically sized. */
typedef rb_tree(arena_chunk_t) arena_chunk_tree_t;
struct arena_run_s {
uint32_t magic;
# define ARENA_RUN_MAGIC 0x384adf93
/* Bin this run is associated with. */
arena_bin_t *bin;
/* Stack of available freed regions, or NULL. */
void *avail;
/* Next region that has never been allocated, or run boundary. */
void *next;
/* Number of free regions in run. */
unsigned nfree;
struct arena_bin_s {
* All operations on runcur, runs, and stats require that lock be
* locked. Run allocation/deallocation are protected by the arena lock,
* which may be acquired while holding one or more bin locks, but not
* vise versa.
malloc_mutex_t lock;
* Current run being used to service allocations of this bin's size
* class.
arena_run_t *runcur;
* Tree of non-full runs. This tree is used when looking for an
* existing run when runcur is no longer usable. We choose the
* non-full run that is lowest in memory; this policy tends to keep
* objects packed well, and it can also help reduce the number of
* almost-empty chunks.
arena_run_tree_t runs;
/* Size of regions in a run for this bin's size class. */
size_t reg_size;
/* Total size of a run for this bin's size class. */
size_t run_size;
/* Total number of regions in a run for this bin's size class. */
uint32_t nregs;
* Offset of first (prof_ctx_t *) in a run header for this bin's size
* class, or 0 if (opt_prof == false).
uint32_t ctx0_offset;
/* Offset of first region in a run for this bin's size class. */
uint32_t reg0_offset;
/* Bin statistics. */
malloc_bin_stats_t stats;
struct arena_s {
uint32_t magic;
# define ARENA_MAGIC 0x947d3d24
/* This arena's index within the arenas array. */
unsigned ind;
* All non-bin-related operations on this arena require that lock be
* locked.
malloc_mutex_t lock;
arena_stats_t stats;
* List of tcaches for extant threads associated with this arena.
* Stats from these are merged incrementally, and at exit.
ql_head(tcache_t) tcache_ql;
# endif
uint64_t prof_accumbytes;
/* List of dirty-page-containing chunks this arena manages. */
ql_head(arena_chunk_t) chunks_dirty;
* In order to avoid rapid chunk allocation/deallocation when an arena
* oscillates right on the cusp of needing a new chunk, cache the most
* recently freed chunk. The spare is left in the arena's chunk trees
* until it is deleted.
* There is one spare chunk per arena, rather than one spare total, in
* order to avoid interactions between multiple threads that could make
* a single spare inadequate.
arena_chunk_t *spare;
/* Number of pages in active runs. */
size_t nactive;
* Current count of pages within unused runs that are potentially
* dirty, and for which madvise(... MADV_DONTNEED) has not been called.
* By tracking this, we can institute a limit on how much dirty unused
* memory is mapped for each arena.
size_t ndirty;
* Approximate number of pages being purged. It is possible for
* multiple threads to purge dirty pages concurrently, and they use
* npurgatory to indicate the total number of pages all threads are
* attempting to purge.
size_t npurgatory;
* Size/address-ordered trees of this arena's available runs. The trees
* are used for first-best-fit run allocation. The dirty tree contains
* runs with dirty pages (i.e. very likely to have been touched and
* therefore have associated physical pages), whereas the clean tree
* contains runs with pages that either have no associated physical
* pages, or have pages that the kernel may recycle at any time due to
* previous madvise(2) calls. The dirty tree is used in preference to
* the clean tree for allocations, because using dirty pages reduces
* the amount of dirty purging necessary to keep the active:dirty page
* ratio below the purge threshold.
arena_avail_tree_t runs_avail_clean;
arena_avail_tree_t runs_avail_dirty;
* bins is used to store trees of free regions of the following sizes,
* assuming a 16-byte quantum, 4 KiB page size, and default
* bins[i] | size |
* --------+--------+
* 0 | 2 |
* 1 | 4 |
* 2 | 8 |
* --------+--------+
* 3 | 16 |
* 4 | 32 |
* 5 | 48 |
* : :
* 8 | 96 |
* 9 | 112 |
* 10 | 128 |
* --------+--------+
* 11 | 192 |
* 12 | 256 |
* 13 | 320 |
* 14 | 384 |
* 15 | 448 |
* 16 | 512 |
* --------+--------+
* 17 | 768 |
* 18 | 1024 |
* 19 | 1280 |
* : :
* 27 | 3328 |
* 28 | 3584 |
* 29 | 3840 |
* --------+--------+
* 30 | 4 KiB |
* 31 | 6 KiB |
* 33 | 8 KiB |
* : :
* 43 | 28 KiB |
* 44 | 30 KiB |
* 45 | 32 KiB |
* --------+--------+
arena_bin_t bins[1]; /* Dynamically sized. */
extern size_t opt_lg_qspace_max;
extern size_t opt_lg_cspace_max;
extern ssize_t opt_lg_dirty_mult;
extern uint8_t const *small_size2bin;
/* Various bin-related settings. */
#ifdef JEMALLOC_TINY /* Number of (2^n)-spaced tiny bins. */
# define ntbins ((unsigned)(LG_QUANTUM - LG_TINY_MIN))
# define ntbins 0
extern unsigned nqbins; /* Number of quantum-spaced bins. */
extern unsigned ncbins; /* Number of cacheline-spaced bins. */
extern unsigned nsbins; /* Number of subpage-spaced bins. */
extern unsigned nbins;
# define tspace_max ((size_t)(QUANTUM >> 1))
#define qspace_min QUANTUM
extern size_t qspace_max;
extern size_t cspace_min;
extern size_t cspace_max;
extern size_t sspace_min;
extern size_t sspace_max;
#define small_maxclass sspace_max
#define nlclasses (chunk_npages - map_bias)
void arena_purge_all(arena_t *arena);
void arena_prof_accum(arena_t *arena, uint64_t accumbytes);
void arena_tcache_fill_small(arena_t *arena, tcache_bin_t *tbin,
size_t binind
, uint64_t prof_accumbytes
# endif
void *arena_malloc_small(arena_t *arena, size_t size, bool zero);
void *arena_malloc_large(arena_t *arena, size_t size, bool zero);
void *arena_malloc(size_t size, bool zero);
void *arena_palloc(arena_t *arena, size_t size, size_t alloc_size,
size_t alignment, bool zero);
size_t arena_salloc(const void *ptr);
void arena_prof_promoted(const void *ptr, size_t size);
size_t arena_salloc_demote(const void *ptr);
prof_ctx_t *arena_prof_ctx_get(const void *ptr);
void arena_prof_ctx_set(const void *ptr, prof_ctx_t *ctx);
void arena_dalloc_bin(arena_t *arena, arena_chunk_t *chunk, void *ptr,
arena_chunk_map_t *mapelm);
void arena_dalloc_large(arena_t *arena, arena_chunk_t *chunk, void *ptr);
void arena_stats_merge(arena_t *arena, size_t *nactive, size_t *ndirty,
arena_stats_t *astats, malloc_bin_stats_t *bstats,
malloc_large_stats_t *lstats);
void *arena_ralloc_no_move(void *ptr, size_t oldsize, size_t size,
size_t extra, bool zero);
void *arena_ralloc(void *ptr, size_t oldsize, size_t size, size_t extra,
size_t alignment, bool zero);
bool arena_new(arena_t *arena, unsigned ind);
bool arena_boot(void);
void arena_dalloc(arena_t *arena, arena_chunk_t *chunk, void *ptr);
arena_dalloc(arena_t *arena, arena_chunk_t *chunk, void *ptr)
size_t pageind;
arena_chunk_map_t *mapelm;
assert(arena != NULL);
assert(arena->magic == ARENA_MAGIC);
assert(chunk->arena == arena);
assert(ptr != NULL);
assert(CHUNK_ADDR2BASE(ptr) != ptr);
pageind = ((uintptr_t)ptr - (uintptr_t)chunk) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
mapelm = &chunk->map[pageind-map_bias];
assert((mapelm->bits & CHUNK_MAP_ALLOCATED) != 0);
if ((mapelm->bits & CHUNK_MAP_LARGE) == 0) {
/* Small allocation. */
tcache_t *tcache;
if ((tcache = tcache_get()) != NULL)
tcache_dalloc_small(tcache, ptr);
else {
arena_run_t *run;
arena_bin_t *bin;
run = (arena_run_t *)((uintptr_t)chunk +
(uintptr_t)((pageind - (mapelm->bits >>
assert(run->magic == ARENA_RUN_MAGIC);
assert(((uintptr_t)ptr - ((uintptr_t)run +
(uintptr_t)run->bin->reg0_offset)) %
run->bin->reg_size == 0);
bin = run->bin;
arena_dalloc_bin(arena, chunk, ptr, mapelm);
} else {
size_t size = mapelm->bits & ~PAGE_MASK;
assert(((uintptr_t)ptr & PAGE_MASK) == 0);
if (size <= tcache_maxclass) {
tcache_t *tcache;
if ((tcache = tcache_get()) != NULL)
tcache_dalloc_large(tcache, ptr, size);
else {
arena_dalloc_large(arena, chunk, ptr);
} else {
arena_dalloc_large(arena, chunk, ptr);
assert(((uintptr_t)ptr & PAGE_MASK) == 0);
arena_dalloc_large(arena, chunk, ptr);