The global data is mostly only used at initialization, or for easy access to values we could compute statically. Instead of consuming that space (and risking TLB misses), we can just pass around a pointer to stack data during bootstrapping.
142 lines
3.5 KiB
142 lines
3.5 KiB
#include "test/jemalloc_test.h"
#include "jemalloc/internal/util.h"
static arena_dalloc_junk_small_t *arena_dalloc_junk_small_orig;
static large_dalloc_junk_t *large_dalloc_junk_orig;
static large_dalloc_maybe_junk_t *large_dalloc_maybe_junk_orig;
static void *watch_for_junking;
static bool saw_junking;
static void
watch_junking(void *p) {
watch_for_junking = p;
saw_junking = false;
static void
arena_dalloc_junk_small_intercept(void *ptr, const bin_info_t *bin_info) {
size_t i;
arena_dalloc_junk_small_orig(ptr, bin_info);
for (i = 0; i < bin_info->reg_size; i++) {
assert_u_eq(((uint8_t *)ptr)[i], JEMALLOC_FREE_JUNK,
"Missing junk fill for byte %zu/%zu of deallocated region",
i, bin_info->reg_size);
if (ptr == watch_for_junking) {
saw_junking = true;
static void
large_dalloc_junk_intercept(void *ptr, size_t usize) {
size_t i;
large_dalloc_junk_orig(ptr, usize);
for (i = 0; i < usize; i++) {
assert_u_eq(((uint8_t *)ptr)[i], JEMALLOC_FREE_JUNK,
"Missing junk fill for byte %zu/%zu of deallocated region",
i, usize);
if (ptr == watch_for_junking) {
saw_junking = true;
static void
large_dalloc_maybe_junk_intercept(void *ptr, size_t usize) {
large_dalloc_maybe_junk_orig(ptr, usize);
if (ptr == watch_for_junking) {
saw_junking = true;
static void
test_junk(size_t sz_min, size_t sz_max) {
uint8_t *s;
size_t sz_prev, sz, i;
if (opt_junk_free) {
arena_dalloc_junk_small_orig = arena_dalloc_junk_small;
arena_dalloc_junk_small = arena_dalloc_junk_small_intercept;
large_dalloc_junk_orig = large_dalloc_junk;
large_dalloc_junk = large_dalloc_junk_intercept;
large_dalloc_maybe_junk_orig = large_dalloc_maybe_junk;
large_dalloc_maybe_junk = large_dalloc_maybe_junk_intercept;
sz_prev = 0;
s = (uint8_t *)mallocx(sz_min, 0);
assert_ptr_not_null((void *)s, "Unexpected mallocx() failure");
for (sz = sallocx(s, 0); sz <= sz_max;
sz_prev = sz, sz = sallocx(s, 0)) {
if (sz_prev > 0) {
assert_u_eq(s[0], 'a',
"Previously allocated byte %zu/%zu is corrupted",
ZU(0), sz_prev);
assert_u_eq(s[sz_prev-1], 'a',
"Previously allocated byte %zu/%zu is corrupted",
sz_prev-1, sz_prev);
for (i = sz_prev; i < sz; i++) {
if (opt_junk_alloc) {
assert_u_eq(s[i], JEMALLOC_ALLOC_JUNK,
"Newly allocated byte %zu/%zu isn't "
"junk-filled", i, sz);
s[i] = 'a';
if (xallocx(s, sz+1, 0, 0) == sz) {
uint8_t *t;
t = (uint8_t *)rallocx(s, sz+1, 0);
assert_ptr_not_null((void *)t,
"Unexpected rallocx() failure");
assert_zu_ge(sallocx(t, 0), sz+1,
"Unexpectedly small rallocx() result");
if (!background_thread_enabled()) {
assert_ptr_ne(s, t,
"Unexpected in-place rallocx()");
assert_true(!opt_junk_free || saw_junking,
"Expected region of size %zu to be "
"junk-filled", sz);
s = t;
dallocx(s, 0);
assert_true(!opt_junk_free || saw_junking,
"Expected region of size %zu to be junk-filled", sz);
if (opt_junk_free) {
arena_dalloc_junk_small = arena_dalloc_junk_small_orig;
large_dalloc_junk = large_dalloc_junk_orig;
large_dalloc_maybe_junk = large_dalloc_maybe_junk_orig;
TEST_BEGIN(test_junk_small) {
test_junk(1, SC_SMALL_MAXCLASS - 1);
TEST_BEGIN(test_junk_large) {
test_junk(SC_SMALL_MAXCLASS + 1, (1U << (SC_LG_LARGE_MINCLASS + 1)));
main(void) {
return test(