Introduces, which generates .travis.yml, and updates .travis.yml to be the generated version. The travis build matrix approach doesn't play well with mixing and matching various different environment settings, so we generate every build explicitly, rather than letting them do it for us. To avoid abusing travis resources (and save us time waiting for CI results), we don't test every possible combination of options; we only check up to 2 unusual settings at a time.
86 lines
2.4 KiB
Executable File
86 lines
2.4 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
from itertools import combinations
travis_template = """\
language: generic
- autoconf
- ./configure ${COMPILER_FLAGS:+ \
- make -j3
- make -j3 tests
- make check
# The 'default' configuration is gcc, on linux, with no compiler or configure
# flags. We also test with clang, -m32, --enable-debug, --enable-prof,
# --disable-stats, and --disable-tcache. To avoid abusing travis though, we
# don't test all 2**7 = 128 possible combinations of these; instead, we only
# test combinations of up to 2 'unusual' settings, under the hope that bugs
# involving interactions of such settings are rare.
# things at once, for C(7, 0) + C(7, 1) + C(7, 2) = 29
os_default = 'linux'
os_unusual = 'osx'
compilers_default = 'CC=gcc'
compilers_unusual = 'CC=clang'
compiler_flag_unusuals = ['-m32']
configure_flag_unusuals = [
'--enable-debug', '--enable-prof', '--disable-stats', '--disable-tcache',
all_unusuals = (
[os_unusual] + [compilers_unusual] + compiler_flag_unusuals
+ configure_flag_unusuals
unusual_combinations_to_test = []
for i in xrange(MAX_UNUSUAL_OPTIONS + 1):
unusual_combinations_to_test += combinations(all_unusuals, i)
include_rows = ""
for unusual_combination in unusual_combinations_to_test:
os = os_default
if os_unusual in unusual_combination:
os = os_unusual
compilers = compilers_default
if compilers_unusual in unusual_combination:
compilers = compilers_unusual
compiler_flags = [
x for x in unusual_combination if x in compiler_flag_unusuals]
configure_flags = [
x for x in unusual_combination if x in configure_flag_unusuals]
# Filter out an unsupported configuration - heap profiling on OS X.
if os == 'osx' and '--enable-prof' in configure_flags:
env_string = '{} COMPILER_FLAGS="{}" CONFIGURE_FLAGS="{}"'.format(
compilers, " ".join(compiler_flags), " ".join(configure_flags))
include_rows += ' - os: %s\n' % os
include_rows += ' env: %s\n' % env_string
if '-m32' in unusual_combination and os == 'linux':
include_rows += ' addons:\n'
include_rows += ' apt:\n'
include_rows += ' packages:\n'
include_rows += ' - gcc-multilib\n'
print travis_template % include_rows