This new experimental memory-allocaction API returns a pointer to
the allocation as well as the usable size of the allocated memory
The `s` in `smallocx` stands for `sized`-`mallocx`, attempting to
convey that this API returns the size of the allocated memory region.
It should allow C++ P0901r0 [0] and Rust Alloc::alloc_excess to make
use of it.
The main purpose of these APIs is to improve telemetry. It is more accurate
to register `smallocx(size, flags)` than `smallocx(nallocx(size), flags)`,
for example. The latter will always line up perfectly with the existing
size classes, causing a loss of telemetry information about the internal
fragmentation induced by potentially poor size-classes choices.
Instrumenting `nallocx` does not help much since user code can cache its
result and use it repeatedly.
The implementation adds a new `usize` option to `static_opts_s` and an `usize`
variable to `dynamic_opts_s`. These are then used to cache the result of
`sz_index2size` and similar functions in the code paths in which they are
unconditionally invoked. In the code-paths in which these functions are not
unconditionally invoked, `smallocx` calls, as opposed to `mallocx`, these
functions explicitly.
[0]: http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2018/p0901r0.html